Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 1.djvu/481

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PUBLIC LAW 102-90 —AUG. 14, 1991 105 STAT. 453 MEMBERS CLERK HIRE For staff employed by each Member in the discharge of his official and representative duties, $218,500,000. COMMITTEEMPLOYEES For professional and clerical employees of standing committees, including the Committee on Appropriations and the Committee on the Budget, $67,900,000. COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET (STUDIES) For salaries, expenses, and studies by the Committee on the Budget, and temporary personal services for such committee to be expended in accordance with sections 101(c), 606, 703, and 901(e) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, and to be available for reimbursement to agencies for services performed, $409,000. CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE HOUSE STANDING COMMITTEES, SPECIAL AND SELECT For salaries and expenses of standing committees, special and select, authorized by the House, $57,900,000. COMMITTEE ON HOUSE ADMINISTRATION HOUSE INFORMATION SYSTEMS For salaries, expenses and temporary personal services of House Information Systems, under the direction of the Committee on House Administration, $20,025,000, of which $8,615,000 is provided herein: Provided, That House Information Systems is authorized to receive reimbursement for services provided from Members and Officers of the House of Representatives and other Governmental entities and such reimbursement shall be deposited in the Treasury for credit to this account. ALLOWANCES AND EXPENSES For allowances and expenses as authorized by House resolution or law, $214,518,000, including: Official Expenses of Members, $82,600,000; supplies, materials, administrative costs and Federal tort claims, $19,116,000; net expenses of purchase, lease and maintenance of office equipment, $4,427,000; furniture and furnishings, $1,810,000; stenographic reporting of committee hearings, $1,100,000; reemployed annuitants reimbursements, $1,000,000; Government contributions to employees' life insurance fund, retirement funds. Social Security fund. Medicare fund, health benefits fund, and worker's and unemployment compensation, $103,833,000; and miscellaneous items including, but not limited to, purchase, exchange, maintenance, repair and operation of House motor vehicles, interparliamentary receptions, and gratuities to heirs of deceased employees of the House, $632,000. Such amounts as are deemed necessary for the payment of allowances and expenses under this heading may be transferred among the various categories of allowances and expenses under this head- 49-194O-92-16:QL.3Part1