Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 1.djvu/609

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PUBLIC LAW 102-115 —OCT. 3, 1991 105 STAT. 581 Public Law 102-115 102d Congress Joint Resolution To designate October 1991 as "Polish-Americein Heritage Month". Whereas the first Polish immigrants to North America were among the first settlers of Jamestown, Virginia, in the seventeenth century; Whereas Kazimierz Pulaski, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, and other Poles came to the British colonies in America to fight in the Revolutionary War and to risk their lives and fortunes for the creation of the United States; Whereas Poles and Americans of |*olish descent have distinguished themselves by contribution to the development of arts, sciences, government, military service, athletics, and education in the United States; Whereas the Polish Constitution of May 3, 1791, was modeled directly on the Constitution of the United States, is recognized as the second written constitution in history, and is revered by Poles and Americans of Polish descent; Whereas Poles and Americans of Polish descent take great pride and honor in the greatest son of Poland, his Holiness Pope John Paul the Second; Whereas Poles and Americans of Polish descent and people every- where applauded the efforts of Solidarity's leader and now President Lech Walesa in fighting for freedom, human rights, and economic reform in Poland; Whereas the Polish American Congress is observing its forty-seventh anniversary this year and is celebrating October 1991 as "Polish-American Heritage Month": Now, therefore, be it Oct. 3, 1991 [S.J. Res. 125] 49-194O-92-20:QL.3Part1