Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 2.djvu/116

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105 STAT. 1068 PUBLIC LAW 102-164—NOV. 15, 1991 subject to wage withholding in accordance with this section by reason of the fact that the individual's wages have been subject to garnishment under this section, and such individual may sue in a State or Federal court of competent jurisdiction any employer who takes such action. The court shall award attorneys' fees to a prevailing employee and, in its discretion, may order reinstatement of the individual, award punitive damages and back pay to the employee, or order such other remedy as may be reasonably necessary. "(b) HEARING REQUIREMENTS.— A hearing described in subsection (a)(5) shall be provided prior to issuance of a garnishment order if the individual, on or before the 15th day following the mailing of the notice described in subsection (a)(2), and in accordance with such procedures as the Secretary or the head of the guaranty agency, as appropriate, may prescribe, files a petition requesting such a hearing. If the individual does not file a petition requesting a hearing prior to such date, the Secretary or the guaranty agency, as appropriate, shall provide the individual a hearing under subsection (a)(5) upon request, but such hearing need not be provided prior to issuance of a garnishment order. A hearing under subsection (a)(5) may not be conducted by an individual under the supervision or control of the head of the guaranty agency, except that nothing in this sentence shall be construed to prohibit the appointment of an administrative law judge. The hearing official shall issue a final decision at the earliest practicable date, but not later than 60 days after the filing of the petition requesting the hearing. "(c) NOTICE REQUIREMENTS.—The notice to the employer of the withholding order shall contain only such information as may be necessary for the employer to comply with the withholding order. "(d) DEFINITION. —For the purpose of this section, the term 'disposable pay' means that part of the compensation of any individual from an employer remaining after the deduction of any amounts required by law to be withheld.", (b) ABOLITION OF ADDITIONAL COST PAYMENTS. — 20 USC 1078-5. (1) Section 428E of the Act is repealed. 20 USC 1078. (2) Section 428(c)(6) of the Act is amended by striking subparagraph (D). SEC. 606. DATA MATCHING. Part G of title IV of the Act is further amended by inserting immediately following section 489 the following new section: "DA TA M ATCHING "SEC. 489A. (a)(1) The Secretary is authorized to obtain information from the files and records maintained by any of the departments, agencies, or instrumentalities of the United States concerning the most recent address of an individual obligated on a loan held by the Secretary or a loan made in accordance with part B of this title held by a guaranty agency, or an individual owing a refund of an overpayment of a grant awarded under this title, and the name and address of such individual's employer, if the Secretary determines that such information is needed to enforce the loan or collect the overpayment. "(2) The Secretary is authorized to provide the information described in paragraph (1) to a guaranty agency holding a loan made under part B of this title on which such individual is obligated.