Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 2.djvu/260

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105 STAT. 1212 PUBLIC LAW 102-172—NOV. 26, 1991 Works and Development Act of 1965, as amended: Provided, That such funds are used for the purposes for which they are specifically appropriated: Provided further. That such transferred funds shall remain available until obligated and expended. 37 USC 301b SEC. 8135. (a) Notwithstanding any provision of section 301b of °*>*®- title 37, United States Code, of section 611 of Public Law 100-456 as in effect at any time prior to the date of enactment of this Act, in the case of any officer described in subsection Qa\ who was entitled to special pay under an agreement authorized by one of those sections, who was not paid the full amount due under such agreement, the unpaid balance shall be paid as part of the settlement of the officer's final military pay account. (b) An officer to whom subsection (a) is an aviation officer who died as a result of flight operations on or sifter January 17, 1991, in those areas of the Arabian Peninsula, airspace, and adjacent waters designated by the President in Executive Order 12744 on 21 January 1991 as a combat zone and prior to cessation of hostilities as declared by competent authority, before completing the full period of aviation service agreed to in his or her agreement to remain on active duty in aviation service under section 302b of title 37, United States Code, or section 611 of Public Law 100-456. SEC. 8136. Up to $20,000,000 in unobligated and unexpended funds in any appropriation made for Air Force programs in the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1991, shall be available to provide reimbursements for launch services costs authorized to be waived by the 1988 Amendments to the Commercial Space Launch Act: Provided, That the Department of Defense shall notify the Committees on Appropriations of the House and Senate not less than 30 calendar days in session prior to the obligation of funds for this purpose. SEC. 8137. Section 2208 of title 10, United States Code, is amended to redesignate the current subsection (j) to subsection (k) and add a new subsection (j) as follows: "(j) The Secretary of the Army may authorize a working capital funded Army industrial facility to manufacture or remanufacture articles and sell these articles, as well as manufacturing or remanufacturing services provided by such facilities, to persons outside the Department of Defense if— "(1) the person purchasing the article or service is fulfilling a Department of Defense contract; and (2) the Department of Defense solicitation for such contract is open to competition between Department of Defense activities and private firms.". 10 USC 2774 SEC. 8138. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Sec- "°*®- retary of Defense may, when he considers it in the best interest of the United States, cancel any part of an indebtedness, up to $2,500, that is or was owed to the United States by a member or former member of a uniformed service if such indebtedness, as determined by the Secretary, was incurred in connection with Operation Desert Shield/Storm: Provided, That the amount of an indebtedness previously paid by a member or former member and cancelled under this section shall be refunded to the member. (TRANSFER OF FUNDS) SEC. 8139. In addition to the amount appropriated in Public Law 102-140 for United States Information Agency "Salaries and ex-