Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 2.djvu/365

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PUBLIC LAW 102-190—DEC. 5, 1991 105 STAT. 1317 SEC. 215. SUPERCOMPUTER MODERNIZATION PROGRAM. (a) PLAN.—(1) The Secretary of Defense, acting through the Director, Defense Research and Engineering (DDR&E), shall develop a plan by which the Department of Defense, beginning in fiscal year 1993, will modernize the supercomputer capability of Department of Defense laboratories. The plan shall include determinations of the equipment and software to be procured or leased and a schedule for the funding required to carry out the plan. (2) The plan shall be developed by April 1, 1992. The Secretary shall submit the plan to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives not later than that date. (b) PROHIBITION OF NON-DOMESTIC ALTERNATIVES. —None of the equipment planned to be procured or leased under the plan may be obtained from a non-United States computer manufacturer unless the Secretary of Defense certifies to Congress that no United States computer manufacturer can meet the requirement being met by that procurement. SEC. 216. MANAGEMENT OF NAVY MINE COUNTERMEASURES PROGRAMS. (a) RESPONSIBILITY. —Subject to the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense, the Director, Defense Research and Engineering shall have the primary responsibility for developing and testing naval mine countermeasures systems during fiscal years 1993 through 1997. (b) WAIVER AUTHORITY.—The Secretary of Defense may waive the requirement in subsection (a) with respect to any fiscal year if, not later than June 1 of the calendar year in which that fiscal year begins, the Secretary certifies to the congressional defense committees that— (1) the Secretary of the Navy, in consultation with the Chief of Naval Operations and the Commandant of the Marine Corps, has submitted to the Secretary of Defense an updated mine countermeasures master plan that identifies— ' (A) technologies having promising potentisil for use for improving mine countermeasures; and (B) programs for advancing those technologies into production; (2) the budget submitted to Congress pursuant to section 1105(a) of title 31, United States Code, for that fiscal year and the multiyear defense program submitted to Congress in connection with that budget pursuant to section 114a of title 10, United States Code, propose sufficient resources for executing the updated mine countermeasures master plan; and (3) the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has determined that the budget resources for mine countermeasures and the updated mine countermeasures master plan are sufficient. SEC. 217. NON -ACOUSTIC ANTI-SUBMARINE WARFARE PROGRAM. After December 31, 1991, funds appropriated or otherwise made available to the Department of the Navy for fiscal years 1992 and 1993 may not be obligated for research, development, test, and evaluation for non-acoustic anti-submarine warfare unless the Secretary of Defense has certified to the congressional defense committees, before any such obligation, that— (1) the Department of Defense is conducting two viable, independent non-acoustic anti-submarine warfare programs within the Department; and