Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 2.djvu/412

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105 STAT. 1364 PUBLIC LAW 102-190—DEC. 5, 1991 (1) A description of the organizational chain of command of the Marine Corps Reserve from unit level through Headquarters, United States Marine Corps. (2) The identity of each office, if any, within the Headquarters, United States Marine Corps, that has as its specific responsibility the oversight of personnel, training, management, and administration matters with respect to the Marine Corps Reserve. (3) If such offices exist, a discussion of the extent to which it is the policy and practice of the Marine Corps to assign members of the Marine Corps Reserve to duty in such offices. (4) A discussion of how the current structure of the chain of command and organization of administrative responsibility for the Marine Corps Reserve at Headquarters, United States Marine Corps, is designed to facilitate the efficiency, readiness, and ability of the Marine Corps Reserve to execute the purpose set out in section 262 of title 10, United States Code. (5) A discussion of any actions that the Secretary of Defense considers appropriate for improving the supervision, management, and administration of the Marine Corps Reserve, including any actions taken or planned to be taken by the Secretary as a result of the issues identified in the preparation of the report. (6) Any recommended legislation that the Secretary considers necessary for the improvement of the organization, supervision, management, or administration of the Marine Corps Reserve. (c) DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF REPORT.— The report shall be submitted not later than December 31, 1992. SEC. 527. REPORT ON COMMISSIONING AND TRAINING OF NEW ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OFFICERS. Not later than six months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Army shall submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives a report concerning— (1) the desirability of a program requiring all Army National Guard personnel seeking a commission through officer candidate school to attend the Federal Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, Georgia, as a condition for Federal recognition; ,-' and (2) the desirability of increasing the allocation of positions at the course of instruction known as the Officer Basic Course for attendees from the Army National Guard whose attendance would be paid by the Army and not by the State National Guard. SEC. 528. EXPANSION OF DUTIES FOR WHICH RESERVES ARE ENTITLED TO MILITARY LEAVE FROM FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT. Section 6323(b)(2) of title 5, United States Code, is amended by striking out "law—" and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "law or for the purpose of providing assistance to civil authorities in the protection or saving of life or property or the prevention of injury— ".