Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 2.djvu/595

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PUBLIC LAW 102-190—DEC. 5, 1991 105 STAT. 1547 submits with the request a complete explanation of the reasons for the difference between the requested amount and the estimate, (c) INVESTIGATION. —(1) The Inspector General of the Department of Defense shall investigate each military construction project for which the Secretary is required to submit an explanation to Congress under subsection 0)) if the Inspector General determines (under standards prescribed by the Inspector General) that the difference between the requested amount and the estimate for the project is significant. (2) With respect to each military construction project investigated under paragraph (1), the Inspector General shall determine— (A) why the amount requested to be authorized in the case of that project exceeds the estimated cost of the project that was submitted to the Commission by the Department of Defense; and (B) whether the relevant information submitted to the Commission with respect to that project was inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading in any material respect. (3) The Inspector General shall submit a report to the Secretary Reports, describing the results of each investigation conducted under paragraph (1). The Secretary shall forward a copy of the report to the congressional defense committees. SEC. 2823. ELIGIBILITY OF DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE EMPLOYEES AND MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES FOR HOMEOWNERS ASSISTANCE IN CONNECTION WITH BASE CLOSURES. (a) EXPANDED ELIGIBILITY. —Subsection (b) of section 1013 of the Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 3374) is amended by striking out the matter above the first proviso and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "(b)(1) In order to be eligible for the benefits of this section, a civilian employee or a member of the Armed Forces— "(A) must be assigned to or employed at or in connection with the installation or activity at the time of public announcement of the closure action, or employed by a nonappropriated fund instrumentality operated in connection with such base or installation; "(B) must have been transferred from such installation or activity, or terminated as an employee as a result of a reduction in force, within six months prior to public smnouncement of the closure action; or "(C) must have been transferred from the installation or activity on an overseas tour within three years pripr to public announcement of the closure action. "(2) A member of the Armed Forces shall also be eligible for the benefits of this section if the member— "(A) was transferred from the installation or activity within three years prior to public announcement of the closure action; and "(B) in connection with the transfer, was informed of a future, programmed reassignment to the installation. "(3) The eligibility of a civilian employee and member of the Armed Forces under paragraph (1) and a member of the Armed Forces under paragraph (2) for benefits under this section in connection with the closure of an installation or activity is subject to the additional conditions set out in paragraphs (4) and (5).".