Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 2.djvu/98

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105 STAT. 1050 PUBLIC LAW 102-164—NOV. 15, 1991 (2) such individual's rights to such compensation have been terminated by reason of the expiration of the benefit year with respect to which such rights existed. (d) WEEKLY BENEFIT AMOUNT.— For purposes of any agreement under this Act— (1) the amount of emergency unemplo5niient compensation which shall be payable to any individual for any week of total unemployment shall be equal to the amount of the regular compensation (including dependents' allowances) payable to such individual during such individual's benefit year under the State law for a week of total unemployment, (2) the terms and conditions of the State law which apply to claims for extended compensation and to the payment thereof shall apply to claims for emergency unemployment compensation and the payment thereof, except where inconsistent with the provisions of this Act or with the regulations or operating instructions of the Secretary promulgated to carry out this Act, and (3) the maximum amount of emergency unemployment compensation payable to any individual for whom an account is established under section 102 shall not exceed the amount established in such account for such individual. (e) ELECTION,—Notwithstanding any other provision of Federal law (and if State law permits), the Governor of a State in a 20-week period or a 13-week period, as defined in section 102, is authorized to and may elect to trigger off an extended compensation period in order to provide payment of emergency unemployment compensation to individuals who have exhausted their rights to regular compensation under State law. SEC. 102. EMERGENCY UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION ACCOUNT. (a) IN GENERAL. —Any agreement under this Act shall provide that the State will establish, for each eligible individual who files an application for emergency unemployment compensation, an emergency unemployment compensation account with respect to such individual's benefit year. (b) AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT. — (1) IN GENERAL.—The amount established in an account under subsection (a) shall be equal to the lesser of— (A) 100 percent of the total amount of regular compensation (including dependents' allowances) payable to the individual with respect to the benefit year (as determined under the State law) on the basis of which the individual most recently received regular compensation, or (B) the applicable limit times the individual's average weekly benefit amount for the benefit year. (2) APPLICABLE LIMIT.—For purposes of this section— (A) IN GENERAL. —Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph— (i) In the case of weeks beginning during a 20-week period, the applicable limit is 20. (ii) In the case of weeks beginning during a 13-week period, the applicable limit is 13. (iii) In the case of weeks not beginning in a 20-week period or 13-week period, the applicable limit is 6. (B) APPLICABLE LIMIT NOT REDUCED.— An individual's applicable limit for any week shall in no event be less than