Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 3.djvu/104

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105 STAT. 1988 PUBLIC LAW 102-240—DEC. 18, 1991 title 23, United States Code, or regulation or policy of the Department of Transportation, the Secretary (or a State acting as the Department's agent) may not disapprove a highway project under chapter 1 of title 23, United States Code, on the ground that the project includes the use of asphalt pavement containing recycled rubber. Under this subsection, a patented application process for recycled rubber shall be eligible for approval under the same conditions that an unpatented process is eligible for approval. (b) STUDIES. — (1) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall coordinate and conduct, in cooperation with the States, a study to determine— (A) the threat to human health and the environment associated with the production and use of asphalt pavement containing recycled rubber; (B) the degree to which asphalt pavement containing recycled rubber can be recycled; and (C) the performance of the asphalt pavement containing recycled rubber under various climate and use conditions. (2) DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITIES. — The Administrator shall conduct the part of the study relating to paragraph (1)(A) and the Secretary shall conduct the part of the study relating to paragraph (1)(C). The Administrator and the Secretary shall jointly conduct the study relating to paragraph (1)(B). (3) ADDITIONAL STUDY. —The Secretary and the Administrator, in cooperation with the States, shall jointly conduct a study to determine the economic savings, technical performance qualities, threats to human health and the environment, and environmental benefits of using recycled materials in highway devices and appurtenances and highway projects, including asphalt containing over 80 percent reclaimed asphalt, asphalt containing recycled glass, and asphalt containing recycled plastic. (4) ADDITIONAL ELEMENTS.— In conducting the study under paragraph (3), the Secretary and the Administrator shall examine utilization of various technologies by States and shall examine the current practices of all States relating to the reuse and disposal of materials used in federally assisted highway projects. (5) REPORT.— Not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary and the Administrator shall transmit to Congress a report on the results of the studies conducted under this subsection, including a detailed analysis of the economic savings and technical performance qualities of using such recycled materials in federally assisted highway projects and the environmental benefits of using such recycled materials in such highway projects in terms of reducing air emissions, conserving natural resources, and reducing disposal of the materials in landfills. (c) DOT GUIDANCE.— (1) INFORMATION GATHERING AND DISTRIBUTION. — The Secretary shall gather information and recommendations concerning the use of asphalt containing recycled rubber in highway projects from those States that have extensively evaluated and experimented with the use of such asphalt and implemented such projects and shall make available such information and