Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 3.djvu/117

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PUBLIC LAW 102-240—DEC. 18, 1991 105 STAT. 2001 methods to obtain private capital for the construction of such transportation modes and related infrastructure. (b) FUNDING.—From sums authorized to be appropriated for park roads and parkways for fiscal year 1992, $300,000 shall be available to carry out this section. SEC. 1051. WORK ZONE SAFETY. 23 USC 401 note. The Secretary shall develop and implement a work zone safety program which will improve work zone safety at highway construction sites by enhancing the quality and effectiveness of traffic control devices, safety appurtenances, traffic control plans, and bidding practices for traffic control devices and services. SEC. 1052. NEW HAMPSHIRE FEDERAL-AID PAYBACK. (a) EFFECT OF REPAYMENT.— The amount of all Federal-aid highway funds paid on account of those completed sections of the Nashua-Hudson Circumferential in the State of New Hampshire referred to in subsection (c) of this section shall, prior to the collection of any tolls thereon, be repaid to the Treasurer of the United States before October 1, 1992. The amount so repaid shall be deposited to the credit of the appropriation for "Federal-Aid Highway (Trust Fund)". Such repayment shall be credited to the unprogrammed balance of funds apportioned to the State of New Hampshire in accordance with section 1040)X1) of title 23, United States Code. The amount so credited shall be in addition to all other funds then apportioned to such State and shall remain available until expended. (h) USE OF REPAID FUNDS. —Upon repayment of Federal-aid highway funds and the cancellation and withdrawal from the Federal- Aid Highway Program of the projects on the section in subsection (c) as provided in subsection (a) of this section, such section of this route shall become and be free of any and all restrictions contained in title 23, United States Code, as amended or supplemented, or in any regulation thereunder, with respect to the imposition and collection of tolls or other charges thereon or for the use thereof. (c) PROJECT DESCRIPTION.—The provisions of this section shall apply to the section of the completed Nashua-Hudson Circumferential between the Daniel Webster Highway in the city of Nashua and New Hampshire Route 3A in the town of Hudson. SEC. 1053. METRIC SYSTEM SIGNING. Section 144 of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1978 (92 Stat. 2713; 23 U.S.C. 109 note) is repealed. SEC. 1054. TEMPORARY MATCHING FUND WAIVER. 23 USC 120 note. (a) WAIVER OF MATCHING SHARE. — Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Federal share of any qualifying project approved by the Secretary under title 23, United States Code, and of any qualifying project for which the United States becomes obligated to pay under title 23, United States Code, during the period beginning on October 1, 1991, and ending September 30, 1993, shall be the percentage of the construction cost as the State requests, up to and including 100 percent. (b) REPAYMENT. —The total amount of increases in the Federal share made pursuant to subsection (a) for any State shall be repaid to the United States by the State on or before March 30, 1994. Payments shall be deposited in the Highway Trust Fund and repaid