Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 3.djvu/255

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PUBLIC LAW 102-240—DEC. 18, 1991 105 STAT. 2139 (4) analyze the extent to which such agreements enable private carriers to profit from the provision of charter service by public transit operators using federally subsidized vehicles. The report shall also include an assessment of the factors specified in the preceding sentence within the context of not less than 3 communities selected by the Comptroller General. SEC. 3042.1993 WORLD UNIVERSITY GAMES. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, before apportionment under section 9 of the Federal Transit Act of funds provided under section 21(a)(l) of such Act for fiscal year 1993, $4,000,000 of such funds shall be made available to the State of New York or to any public body to which the State further delegates authority, as the designated recipient for the purposes of this section, to carry out projects by contracts with private or public service providers to meet the transportation needs associated with the staging of the 1993 World University Games in the State of New York. Such funds shall be available for any purpose eligible under section 9 of such Act without limitation. The matching requirement for operating assistance under section 9(k)(l) of such Act shall not apply to funds made available under this section. SEC. 3043. OPERATING ASSISTANCE LIMITATION FOR STATEN ISLAND FERRY. The limitation of operating assistance which, but for this section, would apply to the Staten Island Ferry for fiscal year 1993 under section 9(k)(2)(A) of the Federal Transit Act shall be increased by $2,700,000. SEC. 3044. FORGIVENESS OF CERTAIN OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS. North Carolina. Notwithstanding the fifth sentence of section 4(a) of the Federal Transit Act, the outstanding balance on grant agreement number NC-05-0021 made to the Fayetteville Transit Authority, North Carolina is forgiven. SEC. 3045. FORGIVENESS OF LOAN REPAYMENT. Notwithstanding any other provision of law (including any regulation), the outstanding balances on the following loan agreements do not have to be repaid: (1) Loan agreement number PA-03-9002 made to the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority. (2) Loan agreement number PA-03-9003 made to the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority. SEC. 3046. MODIFIED BUS SERVICE TO ACCOMMODATE THE NEEDS OF New York. STUDENTS. Nothing in the Federal Transit Act, including the regulations issued to carry out such Act, shall be construed to prohibit the use of buses acquired or operated with Federal assistance under such Act to provide tripper bus service in New York City, New York, to accommodate the needs of students, if such buses carry normal designations and clear markings that such buses are open to the general public. For the purposes of this section, the term "tripper bus service" shall have the meaning such term has on the date of the enactment of this Act in regulations issued pursuant to the Federal Transit Act and shall include the service provided by express buses operating along regular routes and as indicated in published route schedules.