Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 3.djvu/31

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PUBLIC LAW 102-240—DEC. 18, 1991 105 STAT. 1915 costly construction of the Interstate and Defense Highway System must be confronted and ceased. The National Intermodal Transportation System shall be adapted to "intelligent vehicles", "magnetic levitation systems", and other new technologies wherever feasible and economical, with benefit cost estimates given special emphasis concerning safety considerations and techniques for cost allocation. The National Intermodal Transportation System, where appropriate, will be financed, as regards Federal apportionments and reimbursements, by the Highway Trust Fund. Financial assistance will be provided to State and local governments and their instrumentalities to help implement national goals relating to mobility for elderly persons, persons with disabilities, and economically disadvantaged persons. The National Intermodal Transportation System must be the centerpiece of a national investment commitment to create the new wealth of the Nation for the 21st century. The Secretary shall distribute copies of this Declaration of Policy to each employee of the Department of Transportation and shall ensure that such Declaration of Policy is posted in all offices of the Department of Transportation. SEC. 3. SECRETARY DEFINED. 49 USC 101 note. As used in this Act, the term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Transportation. TITLE I—SURFACE TRANSPORTATION Part A—Title 23 Programs SEC. 1001. COMPLETION OF INTERSTATE SYSTEM. (a) DECLARATION.— Congress declares that the authorizations of 23 USC 104 note, appropriations and apportionments for construction of the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways made by this section (including the amendments made by this section) are the final authorizations of appropriations and apportionments for completion of construction of such System. (b) APPROVAL OF INTERSTATE COST ESTIMATE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1993.— The Secretary shall apportion for all States (other than Massachusetts) for fiscal year 1993 the sums authorized to be appropriated for such year by section 108(b) of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 for expenditure on the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstete and Defense Highways, using the apportionment factors contained in revised table 5 of the Committee Print Numbered 102-24 of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation of the House of Representatives. (c) EXTENSION OF APPORTIONMENT.— Section 104(b)(5)(A) of title 23, 23 USC 104 note. United States Code, is amended by striking "1960 through 1990" each place it appears and inserting 1960 through 1996". (d) EXTENSION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT OF ICE. —Section 104(i3)(5)(A) of such title is amended by striking the next to the last sentence and inserting the following new sentence: "As soon as practicable after the date of the enactment of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 for fiscal year 1992, and on October 1 of each of fiscal years 1993, 1994, and 1995, the Secretary shall make the apportionment required by this subpara-