Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 3.djvu/445

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PUBLIC LAW 102-242—DEC. 19, 1991 105 STAT. 2329 1 J- "(1) i]sf GENERAL. —The provisions of this section, or any failure by the Corporation to comply with such provisions, may not be used by any person to attack or defeat any title to property ' after it is conveyed by the Corporation. "(2) LOW-INCOME OCCUPANCY. — The low-income occupancy requirements under subsections (c), (d), (j)(^), (k)(2), and (1)(3) shall be judicially enforceable against purchasers of property under this section and their successors in interest by affected very low- and low-income families. State housing finance agencies, and any agency, corporation, or authority of the United States. The parties specified in the preceding sentence shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees upon prevailing in any such judicial action. "(3) CLEARINGHOUSES.— A clearinghouse shall not be subject to suit for its failure to comply with the requirements of this section. "(4) CORPORATION. — The Corporation shall not be liable to any depositor, creditor, or shareholder of any insured depository institution for which the Corporation has been appointed receiver, or any claimant against such an institution, because the disposition of assets of the institution under this section affects the amount of return from the assets, "(n) AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAM OFFICE. — The Corporation Establishment, shall establish an Affordable Housing Program Office within the Corporation to carry out the provisions of this section and shall dedicate certain staff of the Corporation to the office. "(o) REPORT.—To the extent applicable, in the annual report submitted by the Secretary to the Congress under section 8 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act, the Secretary shall include a detailed description of any activities under this section, including recommendations for any additional authority the Secretary considers necessary to implement the provisions of this section. "(p) DEFINITIONS.—For purposes of this section: "(1) ADJUSTED INCOME AND INCOME.— The terms 'adjusted income' and 'income' shall have the meaning given such terms in section ZQo) of the United States Housing Act of 1937. "(2) CLEARINGHOUSE. — The term 'clearinghouse' means— 'i "(A) the State housing finance agency for the State in which an eligible residential property or eligible condominium property is located; "(B) the Office of Community Investment (or other comparable division) within the Federal Housing Finance Board; and "(C) any national nonprofit organizations (including any nonprofit entity established by the corporation established 5 under title IX of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1968) that the Corporation determines has the capacity to act as a clearinghouse for information.

"(3) CORPORATION. — The term 'Corporation' means the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation acting in its corporate capacity or its capacity as receiver. "(4) ELIGIBLE CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY. — The term 'eligible condominium property' means a condominium unit, as such term is defined in section 604 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1980— "(A) to which such Corporation acquires title; and