Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 3.djvu/827

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PROCLAMATION 6344—OCT. 1, 1991 105 STAT. 2711 ANNEXra MODIFICATIONS TO THE HARMONIZED TARIFF SCHEDULE OF THE UNITED STATES (HTS) WITH RESPECT TO CERTAIN IMPORTS FROM THE FREELY ASSOCIATED STATES (a) Effective with respect to products of the freely associated states which are entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after October 1, 1990: General note 3(c)(viii) to the HTS is modified: (1] By striking out the title to such note and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Products of the Freely Associated States". (2) In subdivisions (B) and (G) of such note, by striking out "importedfirom"and inserting in lieu thereof "the growth, product or manufacture of in each such subdivision. (b) Effective with respect to products of the freely associated states which are entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after January 1, 1992: (1) General note 3{c)(viii) to the HTS is modified: (i) By striking out subdivision (C) and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "(C) Timas and skipjack, prepared or preserved, not in oil, in airtight containers weighing with their contents not over 7 kilograms each, in an aggregate quantity entered in any calendar year from the freely associated states not to exceed 10 percent of United States consumption of canned tuna during the immediately preceding calendar year, as reported by the National Marine Fisheries Service, may enter the customs territory of the United States free of duty; such imports shall be counted against, but not be limited by, the aggregate quantity of tima, if any, that is dutiable under subheading 1604.14.20 for that calendar year.". (ii) By striking out the text of subdivision (D)(l] and inserting in lieu thereof "tunas and skipjack, prepared or preserved, not in oil, in airtight containers weighing with their contents not over 7 kilograms each, in excess of the quantity afforded duty-free entry under subdivision (C] of this note;". (2) Chapter 16 of the HTS is modified by adding the following new additional U.S. note in numerical sequence: "3. For purposes of subheadings 1604.14.20 and 1604.14.30, tunas and skipjack from the freely associated states may be entered free of duty under the appropriate subheading in an aggregate quantity provided by, and under the terms set forth in, general note 3(c](viii)(C) to the tariff schedule. Goods from the freely associated states entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, in excess of such specified aggregate quantity shall be dutied under the appropriate subheading at the rate set forth in the "General" subcolumn of column 1.". Proclamation 6344 of October 1, 1991 White Cane Safety Day, 1991 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Utilized by individuals who are blind to enhance their mobility and independence, the white cane is a widely recognized symbol of determination and achievement. By employing this simple device, thousands of Americans with visual impairments are able to navigate safely and freely through their environment, thereby leading fuller, more productive lives. During our annual observance of White Cane Safety Day, we not only celebrate the accomplishments of those who use the white cane but also renew om* commitment to removing the physical and attitudinal barriers that have, in the past, impeded the advancement of Americans with disabilities. This commitment underlies our efforts to implement