Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 1.djvu/226

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106 STAT. 194 PUBLIC LAW 102-295—MAY 28, 1992 "(E) LEGAL REPRESENTATION.—A description of the State agency's current capacity for legal representation, including the manner in wmch workers are prepared and trained for court preparation and attendance, including procedures for appealing substantiated reports of abuse and neglect. "(3) CASE MANAGEMENT AND DELIVERY OF ONGOING FAMILY SERVICES. — For children for whom a report of abuse and neglect has been substantiated and the children remain in their own homes and are not currently at risk of removal, the State shall assess the activities and the outcomes of the following services: "(A) RESPONSE TIME. —The number of cases opened for services as a result of investigation of child abuse and neglect reports filed in the previous year, including the response time with respect to the provision of services from the time of initial report and initial investigation. "(B) STAFFING. —The number of child protective service workers responsible for providing services to children and their families in their own homes as a result of investigation of reports of child abuse and neglect. "(C) TRAINING.—The types and frequency of pre-service and in-service training programs avedlable to support direct line and supervisory personnel in such areas as risk assessment, court preparation, provision of services and deterf' mination of case disposition, including how such training is evaluated for effectiveness. "(D) INTERAGENCY COORDINATION.— The extent to which treatment services for the child and other family members are coordinated with child welfare, social service, mental health, education, and other agencies. " (4) GENERAL SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT.— " (A) AUTOMATION.—^A description of the capacity of current automated systems for tracking reports of child abuse and neglect from intake through fined disposition and how personnel are trained in the use of such system. "(B) ASSESSMENT TOOLS.—A description of whether, how, and what risk assessment tools are used for screening reports of abuse and neglect, determining whether child abuse and neglect has occurred, and assessing the appropriate level of State agency protection and intervention, including the extent to which such tool is used statewide and how workers are trained in its use. "(C) INFORMATION AND REFERRAL.—^A description and -,^ assessment of the extent to which a State has in place— "(i) information and referral systems, including their availability and ability to link families to various child welfare services such as homemakers, intensive family- based services, emergency caretakers, home health visitors, daycare and services outside the child welfare system such as housing, nutrition, health care, special education, income support, and emergency resource assistance; and "(ii) efforts undertaken to disseminate to the public information concerning the problem of child abuse and neglect and the prevention and treatment programs and services available to combat instances of such abuse and neglect.