Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 1.djvu/360

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106 STAT. 328 PUBLIC LAW 102-321—JULY 10, 1992 "(1) APPOINTMENT.— The Administrator, with the approval of the Secretary, shall appoint an Associate Administrator for Women's Services. "(2) DUTIES. —The Associate Administrator appointed under paragraph (1) shall— " (A) establish a committee to be known as the Coordinating Committee for Women's Services (hereafter in this subparagraph referred to as the 'Coordinating Committee*), which shall be composed of the Directors of the agencies of the Administration (or the designees of the Directors); "(B) acting through the Coordinating Committee, with respect to women's substance abuse and mental health services— "(i) identify the need for such services, and make an estimate each fiscal year of the funds needed to adequately support the services; "(ii) identify needs regarding the coordination of services; "(iii) encourage the agencies of the Administration to support such services; and "(iv) assure that the unique needs of minority women, including Native American, Hispanic, Afiican- American and Asian women, are recognized and addressed within the activities of the Administration; and "(C) establish an advisory committee to be known as the Advisory Committee for Women's Services, which shall be composed of not more than 10 individuals, a majority of whom shall be women, who are not officers or employees of the Federal Government, to be appointed by the Administrator from among physicians, practitioners, treatment providers, and other health professionals, whose clinical practice, specialization, or professional expertise includes a significant focus on women's substance abuse and mental health conditions, that shall— "(i) advise the Associate Administrator on appropriate activities to be undertaken by the agencies of the Administration with respect to women's substance abuse and mental health services, including services which require a multidisciplinary approach; "(ii) collect and review data, including information provided by the Secretary (including the material referred to in paragraph (3)), and report biannually to the Administrator regarding the extent to which women are represented among senior personnel, and make recommendations regarding improvement in the participation of women in the workforce of the Administration; and "(iii) prepare, for inclusion in the biennial report required pursuant to subsection (k), a description of activities of the Committee, including findings made by the Committee regarding— "(I) the extent of expenditures made for women's substance abuse and mental health services by the agencies of the Administration; and