106 STAT. 460 PUBLIC LAW 102-325—JULY 23, 1992 Disadvantaged. Handicapped. Women. Minorities. 20 USC 1004. Regulations. "(1) AMOUNT.—The Secretsiry shall make grants under this part in amounts which are not less than $250,000 and not more than $1,000,000. "(2) PERMITTED USES OF FUNDS. — Grsuits under this part may be used by the partnership for programs that— "(A) use college students to tutor secondary school students and improve their basic academic skills or to involve secondary school students in commimiiy service-learning projects; (B) are designed to improve the basic academic skills of secondary school students; "(C) are designed to increase the understanding of specific subjects of secondary school students; "(D) are designed to improve the opportunity to continue a program of education after graduation for secondary school students; and "(E) are designed to increase the prospects for employment after graduation of secondary school students. "(c) PREFERENCES. —In making grants under this peirt, the Secretary shall give a preference to— "(1) programs which will serve predominantly low-income communities; "(2) partnerships which will run programs during the regular school year and summer; "(3) programs which will serve educationally disadvantaged students; students with disabilities; potential dropouts; pregnant adolescents and teenage parents; children of migratory agricultural workers or of migratory fishermen; or students whose native language is other than English; and "(4) programs designed to encourage women and minorities who are tmderrepresented in the fields of science and mathematics to pursue these fields. "(d) DURATION.— Each grant awarded under this part may be awarded for a period not to exceed 5 yefirs. "(e) EQUITABLE GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. —The Secretary shall award grants under this part in a manner that achieves an equitable geographic distribution of such grants. - SEC. 104. GRANT APPLICATION. "(a) APPLICATION REQUIRED. —^A partnership desiring to receive a grant under this part shall submit an application to the Secretary, in such form and providing such information as the Secretary, by regulation, shall require. "(b) CONTENTS OF APPLICATION. —The application shall include— "(1) the partnership agreement described in section 102; "(2) a listing of the public and private nonprofit secondary school or schools to be involved in the program; "(3) a description of the activities and services for which assistance is sought; "(4) a description of the programs to be developed and operated by the partnership; and "(5) assurances to the Secretary that— "(A) the partnership will establish a governing body including one representative of each participant in the partnership; "(B) Federal funds will provide no more than 70 percent of the cost of the project in the first year, 60 percent