Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 1.djvu/523

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PUBLIC LAW 102-325—JULY 23, 1992 106 STAT. 491 "(8) career workshops and counseling; "(9) mentoring programs involving elementary or secondary school teachers, faculty members at institutions of higher education, students, or any combination of such persons; and "(10) programs and activities as described in paragraphs (1) through (9) which are specially designed for students of limited EngUsh proficiency. "(c) REQUIREMENTS FOR APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS.— In approving applications for educational opportunity centers under this section ror any fiscal year the Secretary shall— "(1) require an assurance tiiat not less than two-thirds of the persons participating in the project proposed to be carried out under any application be low-income individuals who are first generation college students; "(2) require that such participants be persons who are at least nineteen years of age, unless the imposition of such limitation with respect to any person would defeat the purposes of this section or the purposes of section 402B; and "(3) require an assurance that individuals participating in the project proposed in the application do not have access to services from another project funded xinder this section or under section 402B. <«EC. 402G. STAFF DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES. "(a) SECRETARY'S AUTHORITY.— For the purpose of improving the operation of the programs and projects authorized by this chapter, the Secretary is authorized to make grants to institutions of higher education and other public and private nonprofit institutions and organizations to provide training for staff and leadership personnel employed in, or preparing for employment in, such programs and projects. "(b) CONTENTS OF TRAINING PROGRAMS.—Such training shall include conferences, internships, seminars, workshops, and the publication of manuals designed to improve the operation of such programs and projects and shall be carried out in the various regions of the Nation in order to ensure that the training opportunities are appropriate to meet the needs in the local areas being served by such programs and projects. Such training shall be offered annually for new directors of projects funded under this chapter as well as annually on the following topics and other topics chosen by the Secretary: "(1) Legislative and regulatory requirements for the operation of programs funded under this chapter. (2) Assisting students in receiving adequate financial aid from programs assisted under this title and other programs. "(3) The design and operation of model programs for projects funded under this chapter. "(c) CONSULTATION. —Grants for the purposes of this section shall be made only after consultation with regional and State professional associations of persons having special knowledge with respect to the needs and problems of such programs and projects. <«EC. 402H. EVALUATION FOR PROJECT IMPROVEMENT. "(a) IN GENERAL. —For the purpose of improving the operation of the programs and projects assisted under this chapter, the Secretary is authorized to make grants to and enter into contracts with institutions of higher education and other public and private institutions and organizations to evaluate the effectiveness of the 20 USC 1070a-17. 20 USC 1070a-18.