Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 1.djvu/662

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106 STAT. 630 PUBLIC LAW 102-325—JULY 23, 1992 this title, and may substitute such quality assurance reporting as the Secretary deems necessary to ensure accountability ana complicmce with the purposes of the programs under this title. "(c) REMOVAL FROM THE PROGRAM. —The Secretary is authorized to determine— "(1) when an institution that is unable to administer the Quality Assurance Program must be removed from such program, and "(2) when institutions desiring to cease participation in such program will be required to complete the current award year under the requirements of the QuaUty Assurance Program. "(d) EXPERIMENTAL SITES.— (1) The Secretary is authorized to select institutions for voluntary participation as experimental sites to provide recommendations to the Secretary on the impact and effectiveness of proposed regulations or new management initiatives. "(2) The Secretary is authorized to exempt any institution participating as an experimental site from any requirements in this title, or in regulations prescribed xmder this title, that would bias experimented results. "(e) DEFINITIONS. —For purposes of this section, 'current award year* is defined as the award year during which the participating institution indicates its intention to cease participation. 20 USC 1094b.


"The Secretary shall assign to each participant in title IV programs, including institutions, lenders, and guaranty agencies, a single Department of Education identification number to be used to identity its participation in each of the title IV programs. ". SEC. 492. INTER-PROGRAM TRANSFERS. Section 488 of the Act (20 U.S.C. 1095) is amended by striking the first sentence and inserting the following: "In order to offer an arrangement of types of aid, including institutional and State aid which best fits the needs of each individual student, an institution may (1) transfer a total of 25 percent of the institutions allotment under section 462 to the institution's allotment under section 413D or 442 (or both); and (2) transfer 25 percent of the institution's allotment under section 442 to the institution's allotment under section 413D. Funds transferred to an institution's allotment under another section may be used as a part of and for the same purposes as funds allotted under that section.". SEC. 493. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES. (a) ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES.—Section 489(a) of the Act is amended— 20 USC 1096. (1) in the second sentence, by striking "(other than section 447)"; (2) by striking the fourth sentence (relating to pa3mients with respect to section 447); and (3) by striking "subpart 2" each place it appears and inserting "subparts". (b) NONTRADITIONAL STUDENTS. — Section 489(b) of the Act (20 U.S.C. 1096) is amended— (1) by inserting "(1)" before "The sums"; and (2) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: "(2) If the institution enrolls a significant number of students who are (A) attending the institution less than full time, or (B)