Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 1.djvu/736

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106 STAT. 704 PUBLIC LAW 102-325—JULY 23, 1992 "(D) training in at least 2 subject areas and related instructional strate^es; "(E) direct experience through internships in middle grade schools under the guidance of teachers who demonstrate exemplary classroom practices; "(F) strategies for the prevention and detection of high risk behavior, particularly drug and alcohol abuse, and for the enhancement of self esteem among adolescents; "(G) a study of effective methods and models of presenting substance abuse information and education to adolescent students; and "(H) methods of encouraging parental and commtuiity involvement with middle schools; and "(3) the program will be designed and operated with the active participation of classroom teachers and will include an in-service training component. 20 USC mod. "SEC. 570. REPORTS AND INFORMATION DISSEMINATION. "Each institution of higher education receiving a grant under this subpart shall submit to the Secretsiry such reports and other information regarding programs conducted under this subpart as the Secretary deems necessary. The Secretary shall disseminate such information to other institutions of higher education. State educational agencies, and local educational agencies. 20 USC lllOe. "SEC. 570A. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. "There are authorized to be appropriated $5,000,000 for fiscal year 1993 and such sums as may be necessary for each of the 4 succeeding fiscal years to carry out the provisions of this subpart.


"Subpart 1—New Teaching Careers 20 USC 1111. "SEC. 571. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. "It is the purpose of this subpart to establish and operate new career programs to attract minority candidates, who are in school support or paraprofessional positions in shortage area schools serving disadvantaged students, to careers as certified or Ucensed teachers. 20 USC lllla. "SEC. 572. STATE GRANT AUTHORITY; APPLICATIONS. "(a) AUTHORITY. — "(1) GRANTS BY SECRETARY. —In any fiscal year in which appropriations for this subpart do not equal or exceed $50,000,000, the Secretary is authorized, in accordance with this subpart, to award grants, on a competitive basis, to States to enable States to pay the Federal share of supporting programs that carry out the purpose of this subpart. "(2) STATE GRANT PROGRAM. —In any fiscal year in which appropriations for this subpart equal or exceed $50,000,000, the Secretary is authorized, in accordance with the provisions of this subpart, to make grants to States in accordance with allocations under subsection (b) to enable States to pay the Federal sheire of supporting progrsuns that carry out the purposes of this subpart. "(b) ALLOCATION AMONG STATES. —Except as provided in subsection (a)(1), each State shall be eligible to receive a grant under