Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 1.djvu/757

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PUBLIC LAW 102-325—JULY 23, 1992 106 STAT. 725 an annual report which evaluates the progress and performance of students in such programs. "(c) PROGRAMS OF NATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE. —The Secretary may also award grants to public and private nonprofit agencies and organizations, including professional and scholarly associations, whenever the Secretary determines such grants will make an especially significant contribution to attaining the objective of this section. '<SEC. 606. INTENSIVE SUMMER LANGUAGE INSTITUTES. 20 USC 1124a. "(a) INTENSIVE SUMMER LANGUAGE INSTITUTES AUTHORIZED.— " (1) GRANTS AUTHORiZED.The Secretary is authorized to make grants to institutions of higher education, or combinations of such institutions, for the purpose of estabhshing and conducting intensive summer language institutes. "(2) ELIGIBLE GRANT RECIPIENTS.— Training authorized by this section shall be provided through— "(A) institutes designed to meet the needs for intensive language training by advanced foreign language students; "(B) institutes designed to provide professional development and improve language instruction through preservice and inservice training for language teachers; or "(C) institutes that combine the purposes of subparagraphs (A) and (B). "(3) AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES. — Grants made under this section may be used for— "(A) intensive training in criticsQ languages; "(B) training in neglected languages; and "(C) stipends for students and faculty attending the institutes authorized by this section. "(4) INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM.—Institutes supported under this section may provide instruction on a full-time or parttime basis to supplement instruction not fully available in centers supported under section 602. "(b) PEER REVIEW. —Grants made under this section shall be awarded on the basis of recommendations made by peer review panels composed of broadly representative professionals. 'SEC. 606. RESEARCH; STUDIES; ANNUAL REPORT. 20 USC 1125. "(a) AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES.— The Secretary may, directly or through grants or contracts, conduct research and studies which contribute to the purposes of this part. Such research and studies may include but are not limited to— "(1) studies and surveys to determine needs for increased or improved instruction m foreign language, area studies, or other international fields, including the demand for foreign language, area, and other international specialists in government, education, and the private sector; "(2) studies and surveys to assess the utilization of graduates of programs supported under this title by governmental, educational, and private sector organizations and other studies assessing the outcomes and effectiveness of programs so supported; " (3) comparative studies of the effectiveness of strategies to provide international capabilities at institutions of hi^er education; "(4) research on more effective methods of providing instruction and achieving competency in foreign languages;