Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 1.djvu/803

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PUBLIC LAW 102-325—JULY 23, 1992 106 STAT. 771 degree after having completed a master's degree program at an institution of higher education) at any point in their graduate study to provide stipends for the lengtii of time necessary for a student to complete the course of graduate study, but in no case longer than 5 years. "(2) SPECIAL RULE. —No such commitments shall be made to students under this part unless the academic department or program has determined adequate funds are available to fulfill the commitment eitherfi*omfunds received or anticipated under this part, or from institutional funds. "(b) AMOUNT OP STIPENDS.— The Secretary shall make payments to institutions of higher education for the purpose of paying stipends to individuals who are awarded fellowships under this part. The stipends the Secretary establishes shall reflect the purpose of this program to encourage higWy talented students to undertake graduate study as described in this part. In the case of an individual who receives such individual's first stipend under this part in academic year 1993-1994 or any succeeding academic year, such stipend shall be set at a level of support equal to that provided by the National Science Foundation graduate fellowships, except such amount shall be adjusted as necessary so as not to exceed the fellow's demonstrated level of need according to measurements of need approved by the Secretary. "(c) SUPPLEMENTATION RULE.— Notwithstanding the provisions of section 944(b)(6), any non-Federal funds provided to a student in accordance with section 944(b)(2) by the academic department or program of an institution of higher education for tuition and fees under subsection (a), may be used to supplement stipends awarded under this part. " (d) ACADEMIC PROGRESS REQUIRED.—Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), no student shall receive an award— "(1) except during periods in which such student is maintaining satisfactory progress in, and devoting essentially full time to, study or research in the field in which such fellowship was awarded, or "(2) if the student is engaging in gainful employment other than part-time employment involved in teaching, research, or similar activities determined by the institution to be in support of the student's progress towards a degree. "SEC. 946. ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE FOR COST OF EDUCATION. 20 USC 1134q. "(a) PAYMENTS AUTHORIZED. —The Secretary shall (in addition to stipends paid to individuals under this subpart) pay to the institution of higher education, for each individual awarded a fellowship at such institution, $9,000 with respect to such awards made for the academic year 1993-1994, to be adjusted annually thereafter in accordance with inflation as determined by the Department of Labor's Consumer Price Index for the previous calendar year. "(b) USE FOR OVERHEAD PROHIBITED. —Funds made available pursuant to this part may not be used for the general operational overhead of the academic department or program. "SEC. 947. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. 20 USC 1134q-l. "There are authorized to be appropriated $40,000,000 for fiscal year 1993 and such sums as may be necessary for each of the 4 succeeding fiscal years to carry out this part.