Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 2.djvu/149

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PUBLIC LAW 102-367 —SEPT. 7, 1992 106 STAT. 1029 "(A) the assessment process that will identify participant skill levels; "(B) the process for providing information and referrals for applicants and participants relating to appropriate programs and service providers; "(C) the services to be provided, including the means for involving labor organizations and community-based organizations in the provision of services, the estimated duration of service, and the estimated training cost per participant; "(D) the competency levels to be achieved by participants as a result of program participation; and "(E) the procedures for evaluating the progress of participants in achieving competencies; "(10) a description of the procedures and methods of carrying out title V, where applicable, relating to incentive bonus pay- ments for the placement of individuals eligible under such title; "(11) procedures, consistent with sections 107 and 164, for selecting service providers, which procedures shall take into account^ "(A) past performance of the providers regarding— "(i) job training, basic skills training, or related activities; "(ii) fiscal accountability; and "(iii) ability to meet performance standards; and "(B) the ability of the providers to provide services that can lead to achievement of competency standards for participants with identified deficiencies; "(12) fiscal control (including procurement, monitoring, and management information system requirements), accounting, audit, and debt collection procedures, consistent with section 164, to assure the proper disbursal of, and accounting for, funds received under title II; and "(13) procedures for the preparation and submission of an annual report to the Governor, which report shall include— "(A) a description of activities conducted during the program year; "(B) characteristics of participants; "(C) information on the extent to which applicable performance standards were met; "(D) information on the extent to which the service delivery area has met the goals of the area for the training and training-related placement of women in nontraditional employment and apprenticeships; and "(E) a statistical breakdown of women trained and placed in nontraditional occupations, including information regarding— "(i) the type of training received, by occupation; "(ii) whether the participant was placed in a job or apprenticeship, and, if so, the occupation and wage at placement; "(iii) the age of the participant; "(iv) the race of the participant; and "(v) retention of the participant in nontraditional employment.".