Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 2.djvu/19

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS XIX PUBLIC LAW 102-498.... To designate certain land in the State of Missouri owned by the United States and administered by the Secretary of Agriculture as part of the Mark Twain National Forest. 102-499.... To amend the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948, the Foreign Service Act of 1980, and other provisions of law to make certain changes in administrative authorities. 102-500.... To amend the John F. Kennedy Center Act to authorize appropriations for maintenance, repair, alteration, and other services necessary for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. 102-501.... Federally Supported Health Centers Assistance Act of 1992. 102-502.... Authorizing the Go For Broke National Veterans Association Foundation to establish a memorial in the District of Columbia or its environs to honor Japanese American patriotism in World War II. 102-503.... Designating January 16, 1993, as "National Grood Teen Day". 102-504.... Designating May 2, 1993, through May 8, 1993, as "Be Kind to Animals and National Pet Week". 102-505.... Designating the week beginning October 25, 1992, as "World Population Awareness Week". 102-506.... Office of Government Ethics Amendments of 1992 102-507.... Alzheimer's Disease Research, Training, and Education Amendments of 1992. 102-508.... Pipeline Safety Act of 1992 102-509.... Soviet Scientists Immigration Act of 1992 102-510.... Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 1992. 102-511.... Freedom for Russia and Emerging Eurasian Democracies and Open Markets Support Act of 1992 (FREEDOM Support Act). 102-512.... Children's Nutrition Assistance Act of 1992 102-513.... To designate the United States Courthouse to be constructed in Fargo, North Dakota, as the "Quentin N. Burdick United States Courthouse". 102-514.... To extend the authorization of use of official mail in the location and recovery of missing children, and for other purposes. 102-515.... Cancer Registries Amendment Act 102-516.... Designating January 3, 1993, through January 9, 1993, as "National Law Enforcement Training Week'. 102-517.... Designating the week beginning November 8, 1992, as "National Women Veterans Recognition Week". 102-518.... Designating November 13, 1992, as "Vietnam Veterans Memorial 10th Anniversary Day". 102-519.... Anti Car Theft Act of 1992 102-520.... To amend title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to ensure an equitable and timely distribution of benefits to public safety officers. 102-521.... Child Support Recovery Act of 1992 102-522.... Fire Administration Authorization Act of 1992 102-523.... International Dolphin Conservation Act of 1992 102-524.... Native American Languages Act of 1992 102-525.... To provide for the establishment of the Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site in the State of Kansas, and for other purposes. DATE PAGE Oct. 24, 1992 3263 Oct. 24, 1992 3264 Oct. 24, 1992 3267 Oct. 24, 1992 3268 Oct. 24, 1992 3273 Oct. 24, 1992 3275 Oct. 24, 1992 3276 Oct. 24, 1992 3278 Oct. 24, 1992 3280 Oct. 24, 1992 3281 Oct. 24, 1992 3289 Oct. 24, 1992 3316 Oct. 24, 1992 3318 Oct. 24, 1992 3320 Oct. 24, 1992 3363 Oct. 24, 1992 3370 Oct. 24, 1992 3371 Oct. 24, 1992 3372 Oct. 24, 1992 3378 Oct. 24, 1992 3380 Oct. 24, 1992 3382 Oct. 25, 1992 3384 Oct. 25, 1992 3402 Oct. 25, 1992 3403 Oct. 26, 1992 3410 Oct. 26, 1992 3425 Oct. 26, 1992 3434 Oct. 26, 1992 3438