Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 2.djvu/200

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106 STAT. 1080 PUBLIC LAW 102-367—SEPT. 7, 1992 Act (42 U.S.C. 501 et seq., 1101 et seq., and 1321 etseq.). "(2) TECHNIQUES.— "(A) METHODS. — Evaluations conducted under paragraph (1) shall utilize sound statistical methods and techniques of the behavioral and social sciences, including random assignment methodologies if feasible. "(B) ANALYSIS.— Such evaluations may include cost-bene- ,, fit analysis of programs, the impact of the programs on community and participants, the extent to which programs meet the needs of various demographic groups, and „ the effectiveness of the delivery systems used by various "^ programs. "(C) EFFECTIVENESS. —The Secretary shall evaluate the s effectiveness of programs authorized under this Act with respect to— "(i) the statutory goals; "(ii) the performance standards established by the Secretary; and "(iii) the extent to which such programs enhance the employment and earnings of participants, reduce income support costs, improve the employment competencies of participants in comparison to comparable persons who did not participate in such programs, and, to the extent feasible, increase the level of total employment over the level that would have existed in the absence of such programs."; 29 USC 1733. (3) in section 453, to read as follows: "CAPACITY BUILDING, INFORMATION, DISSEMINATION, AND REPLICATION ACTIVITIES "SEC. 453. (a) NATIONAL STRATEGY. —The Secretary shall develop a national strategy for carrying out the activities described in subsection (b)(2) and the replication of programs described in subsection (c), and shall ensure the implementation of the national strategy. "(b) NETWORK.— "(1) ESTABLISHMENT.— "(A) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary shall establish a Capacity Building and Information and Dissemination Network (referred to in this section as the 'Network') to enhance the effectiveness of and to strengthen the caliber of services provided through programs authorized under this Act and other Federal, State, and local employment and training programs. "(B) ADMINISTRATION.—The Secretary shall establish and maintain such Network— "(i) directly; "(ii) under an interagency agreement; or "(iii) through a grant or contract awarded on a competitive basis to a single entity, or to a system ' of entities coordinated by the Secretary, with appropriate expertise. " (2) ACTIVITIES.—The Network shall— "(A) provide, coordinate, and support the development of, appropriate training, technical assistance, staff development, and other activities that will—