Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 2.djvu/210

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106 STAT. 1090 PUBLIC LAW 102-367 —SEPT. 7, 1992 "(5) contain assurances that the participating community will provide such activities and local resources as are necessary to achieve the goals specified in the application; "(6) contain assurances that the participating community will undertake outreach and recruitment efforts in the target area to encourage, to the meiximum extent possible, participation by the disadvantaged youth who are currently unserved, or underserved, by education and training programs, including targeted measures specifically designed to enlist the participation of youth, particularly males, under the jurisdiction of the child welfare, juvenile justice, and criminal justice systems; "(7) provide that the participating community will carry out special efforts to establish coordination with Federal, State, or local programs that serve the target population; "(8) provide assurances that funds provided under this part for a fiscal year will be used only to pay the Federal share attributable to this part of the cost of programs and services not otherwise available in the target area and will supplement, and not supplant, funding from other local. State, and Federal sources available to youth in the target area during the previous year; and "(9) permit funds provided under this part to be used to support paid work experience programs if such programs are combined with other education and training activities. 29 USC 1782d. "SEC. 495. JOB GUARANTEES. "(a) PROGRAM AUTHORITY.— The Secretary shall permit a reasonable number of the grant recipients under this part to enter into an agreement to provide, in accordance with this section, a job guarantee program to youths meeting prior school attendance and performance standards. "(b) GUARANTEE AGREEMENTS. —^A grant recipient providing such a job guarantee program shall enter into an agreement with the Secretary, which agreement shall— "(1) provide that the program be available to youth age 16 to 19 who undertake a commitment to continue and complete their high school education; "(2) require the grant recipient to guarantee employment to each youth undertaking the commitment if such youth meets school attendance and performance standards for the previous school semester, as established by the Secretary in consultation with the Secretary of Education; "(3) provide that the grant recipient will make additional services available to support the undertaking of any such youth, which shall include counseling, job development and placement, and supportive services (including child care and transportation); "(4) specify the conditions under which funds provided under this part may be used to provide wage subsidies of up to 50 percent through employers, which conditions shall— "(A) encourage subsidies to employers who provide advanced or specialized training, or who provide a structured and integrated learning experience involving the school and employer; and "(B) limit the duration of such subsidies to not more than 1 year;