PUBLIC LAW 102-372—SEPT. 30, 1992 106 STAT. 1179 States sind to ensure that the international processing standard of the International Civil Aviation Organization is met.". SEC. 11. PERFORMANCE OF THE UNITED STATES TRAVEL AND TOUR- ISM ADMINISTRATION. Title II (22 U.S.C. 2122 et seq.), as amended by section 10 of this Act, is further amended by adding at the end the following: "SEC. 206. (a) Beginning October 1, 1994, and annuaUy there- 22 USC 2123d. after, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives the goals of the United States Travel and Tourism Administration for the applicable forthcoming fiscal year, including quantifiable measures on which such Administration's performance can be evaluated. Such goals shall include— "(1) the number of written and telephone inquiries regarding the possibility of foreign travel to the United States expected to be generated by the financial assistance provided to cooperative tourism marketing programs under section 203; "(2) the number of tour packages for foreign visitors to the United States expected to be sold in connection with such financial assistance; "(3) the number of tourists from countries in markets selected under section 202(e)(3) expected to visit the United States destinations being promoted in such countries in connection with such financial assistance; and "(4) the actions recommended to eliminate acts, policies, and practices of foreign countries identified tmder section 204 that constitute significant barriers to or distortions of United States travel and tourism exports. "(b) By December 31, 1995, and annually thereafter, the Sec- Reports, retary shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives a report outlining the degree to which the goals set forth for the prior fiscal year have been attained. Such report shall include— "(1) the number of written and telephone inquiries regarding the possibility of foreign travel to the United States actually received by the Secretary and by persons receiving financial assistance under section 203; "(2) the number of tour packages for foreign visitors to the United States actually sold in connection with such financial assistance; "(3) the number of tourists from countries in markets selected under section 202(e)(3) that actually visited the United States destinations being promoted in such countries in connection with such financial assistance; "(4) an evaluation of the effectiveness of such financial assistance; and "(5) an evaluation of the effectiveness of any actions recommended under subsection (a)(4) which were taken to eliminate acts, policies, and practices that constitute significant barriers to, or distortions of. United States travel and tourism exports. "(c) The Secretary shall collect from persons receiving financial assisteince under section 203 such information as may be necessary to enable the Secretary to comply with subsections (a) and (b).