Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 2.djvu/371

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PUBLIC LAW 102-375—SEPT. 30, 1992 106 STAT. 1251 tion program, a juvenile delinquency treatment program, or a family support program.". SEC. 410. SUPPORTIVE SERVICES IN FEDERALLY ASSISTED HOUSING DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM. Part B of title IV of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 3034-3035g) (as amended by section 409) is amended by adding at the end the following: "SEC. 429A. SUPPORTIVE SERVICES IN FEDERALLY ASSISTED HOUS- 42 USC 3035i. ING DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM. "(a) GRANTS. —The Commissioner shall award grants to eligible agencies to establish demonstration programs to provide services described in subsection (b) to older individuals who are residents in federally assisted housing (referred to in this section as 'residents'). "(b) USE OF GRANTS. —An eligible agency shall use a grant awarded under subsection (a) to conduct outreach and to provide to residents services including— "(1) meal services; "(2) transportation; "(3) personal care, dressing, bathing, and toileting; "(4) housekeeping and chore assistance; "(5) nonmedical counseling; "(6) case management; "(7) other services to prevent premature and unnecessary institutionalization; and "(8) other services provided under this Act. "(c) AWARD OF GRANTS. — The Commissioner shall award grants under subsection (a) to agencies in a variety of geographic settings, including urban and rural settings. "(d) APPLICATION. —To be eligible to receive a grant under subsection (a), an agency shall submit an application to the Commissioner at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Commissioner may require, including, at a minimum— "(1) information demonstrating a lack of, and need for, services described in subsection (b) m federally assisted housing projects in the geographic area proposed to be served by the applicant; "(2) a comprehensive plan to coordinate with housing facility management to provide services to frail older individuals who are in danger of premature or imnecessary institutionalization; "(3) information demonstrating initiative on the part of the agency to address the supportive service needs of residents; "(4) information demonstrating financial, in-kind, or other support available to the applicant from State or local governments, or from private resources; "(5) an assurance that the agency will participate in the development of the comprehensive housing ELfTordability strategy under section 105 of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 12705) and seek funding for supportive services under the Department of Housing and Urban Development or the Farmers Home Administration; "(6) an assurance that the agency will target services to low-income minority older individuals and conduct outreach; "(7) an assurance that the agency will comply with the guidelines described in subsection (i); and