Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 2.djvu/466

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106 STAT. 1346 PUBLIC LAW 102-378—OCT. 2, 1992 Public Law 102-378 102d Congress An Act Oct. 2, 1992 To make technical and conforming changes in title 5, United States Code, and [H.R. 2850] ^e Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act of 1990, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of Technical and fhe United States of America in Congress assembled. Miscellaneous Civil Service SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. Act of 1992. (a) SHORT TITLE. — This Act may be cited as the Technical 5 USC 1101 note, and Miscellaneous Civil Service Amendments Act of 1992". (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.— The table of contents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Shorttitle; table of contents. Sec. 2. Amendments to title 5, United States Code. Sec. 3. Amendments to the Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act of 1990. Sec. 4. Amendments relating to the Ethics in Government Act of^1978. Sec. 5. Amendments to other provisions of law. Sec. 6. Restoration of coverage of certain Federal personnel provisions to certain Veterans Health Administration employees. Sec. 7. Retroactive performance awards. Sec. 8. Miscellaneous provisions. Sec. 9. Effective dates. SEC. 2. AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 5, UNITED STATES CODE. Title 5, United States Code, is amended— (1) in the analysis for part II by striking, in the item relating to chapter 12, 'individual Right of Action" and inserting "Employee Right of Action"; (2) by striking the heading for former section 1209 (the text of which was redesignated as sections 1205 and 1206 by paragraphs (9) and (10), respectively, of section 3(a) of the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 (Public Law 101- 12; 103 Stat. 18)); (3) by striking the heading for former section 1204 (which was redesignated as section 1211(b) l^ section d(a)(6) of the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 (Public Law 101-12; 103 Stat. 17)); (4) in section 1305 by striking "section 3105," and inserting "sections 3105 "' (5) in section 2302(b)(8)(B) by striking "Spedal Counsel of the Merit Systems Protection Board," and inserting "Special Counsel,"; (6) in section 2304(b) by striking "(b) the" and inserting "(b) The"; (7) in section 3104(a)— (A) by striking "(not to exceed 517)"; and (B) by amending the second sentence to read as follows: "Any sudi position may be established by action of the Director or, under such standards and procedures as the Office prescribes (including procedures under which the prior approval of the Director may be required), by agency action.;