Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 2.djvu/572

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106 STAT. 1452 PUBLIC LAW 102-383 —OCT. 5, 1992 do not involve travel to, from, or through other parts of the People's Republic of China. (8) The United States should make every effort to ensure that the negotiations described in paragraph (7) lead to procompetitive air service agreements. 22 USC 5715. SEC. 105. CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGES. It is the sense of the Congress that the following, which are based in part on the relevant provisions of the Joint Declaration, are and should continue after June 30, 1997, to be the policy of the United States with respect to cultural and educational exchanges with Hong Kong: (1) The United States should seek to maintain and expand United States-Hong Kong relations and exchanges in culture, education, science, and academic research. The United States should encourage American participation in bilateral exchanges with Hong Kong, both official and unofficisd. (2) The United States should actively seek to further United States-Hong Kong cultural relations and promote bilateral exchanges, including the negotiating and concluding of appropriate agreements in these matters. (3) Hong Kong should be accorded separate status as a full partner under the Fulbright Academic Exchange Program (apart from the United Kingdom before July 1, 1997, and apart from the People's Republic of China thereafter), with the continuation or establishment of a Fulbright Commission or functionally equivalent mechanism. (4) The United States should actively encourage Hong Kong residents to visit the United States on nonimmigrant visas for such purposes as business, tourism, education, and scientific and academic research, in accordance with applicable United States and Hong Kong laws. (5) Upon the request of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong, the Librarian of Congress, acting through the Congressional Research Service, should seek to expand educationeQ and informational ties with the Coimicil. TITLE II—THE STATUS OF HONG KONG IN UNITED STATES LAW 22 USC 5721. SEC. 201. CONTINUED APPLICATION OF UNITED STATES LAW. (a) IN GENERAL.— Notwithstanding any change in the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong, the laws of the United States shall continue to apply with respect to Hong Kong, on and after July 1, 1997, in the same manner as the laws of the United States were applied with respect to Hong Kong before such date unless otherwise expressly provided by law or by Executive order under section 202. (b) INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS.— For all purposes, including actions in any court in the United States, the Congress approves the continuation in force on and after July 1, 1997, of all treaties and other international agreements, including multilateral conventions, entered into before such date between the United States and Hong Kong, or entered into before such date between the United States and the United Kingdom and appHed to Hong Kong, Reports. unless or until terminated in accordance with law. If in carrying