Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/1003

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SUBJECT INDEX Bll Page Ready to Learn Act 3586 Schools, Bureau of Indian Affairs, extension 288 South Gate, CA, elementary school lease, extension 2244 Tribal Development Student Assistance Act 809 Veterans'Benefits Act of 1992 4320 £1 Salvador See Central America Elderly See Aged Elections Closed captioning, Presidential candidates, requirement 1764 Voting Rights Language Assistance Act of 1992 921 Electricity See Energy Employment See Labor and Employment Energy Coal Industry Retiree Health Benefit Act of 1992 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 1993 1315 Energy Efficient Environmental Program 3071 Energy Policy Act of 1992 2776 National Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Program 3086 National Advanced Materials Program 3085 Pipehne Safety Act of 1992 3289 Rural Electrification Administration Improvement Act of 1992 2183 Solar Assistance Financing Entity, establishment 3875 Spark M. Matsunaga Renewable Energy and Ocean Technology Center, HI, establishment and designation 3080 Environmental Protection See also Conservation Community Environmental Response Facilitation Act 2174 Energy Efficient Environmental Program 3071 Federal Facility Compliance Act of 1992 1505 Global warming, climate study 2999 Grand Canyon Protection Act of 1992 4669 High-level radioactive waste, disposal standards 2921 Indian Environmental General Assistance Program Act of 1992 3258 Innovative Environmental Technology Transfer Program 3003 Los Padres Condor Range and River Protection Act 242 Metropolitan Washington Waste Management Study Act 1517 Page Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental and Native American Public Policy Act of 1992 78 National Contaminated Sediment Assessment and Management Act 4864 National Geologic Mapping Act of 1992 166 Pipeline Safety Act of 1992 3289 Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve at St. Croix, Virgin Islands, Act of 1992 33 Small Town Environmental Planning Program 1515 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Land Withdrawal Act 4777 Equal Opportunity See Civil Rights Ethiopia See Africa Europe Greece, naval vessels, transfer 443 Montenegro, most-favored-nation status, withdrawal 2149 Serbia, most-favored-nation status, withdrawal 2149 Exports and Imports See also Commerce and Trade Albania, most-favored-nation status, extension 969 Export Enhancement Act of 1992 2186 Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1993 1633 FREEDOM Support Act 3320 Jobs Through Exports Act of 1992 3651 Serbia and Montenegro, most-favorednation status, withdrawal 2149 Tourism Policy and Export Promotion Act of 1992 1170 United States Commercial Centers, establishment 3661 F Farms and Ranches See Agriculture Federal Buildings and Facilities Arthur J. Holland United States Post Office Building, NJ, designation 844 Bureau of Indian Affairs' administrative site, AK, transfer 3260 Clifton Merriman Post Office Building, MA, designation 2248 Dorothy Buell Memorial Visitor Center, IN, designation 2210 Edward P. Boland Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, MA, designation 173