Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/183

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PUBLIC LAW 102-405—OCT. 9, 1992 106 STAT. 1977 Affairs which have been designed to assist homeless veterans. To the maximum extent practicable, the Secretary shall seek to replicate at other facilities of the Department those programs that have as a goal the rehabilitation of homeless veterans and which the Secretary has determined to be successful in achieving that goal by fostering reintegration of homeless veterans into the community and employment of such veterans. (b) ASSESSMENT AND COORDINATION. — (1) In carrying out sub- 38 USC 527 note, section (a), the Secretary shall require the director of each medical center or the director of each regional benefits office to make an assessment of the needs of homeless veterans living within the area served by the medical center or regional office, as the case may be. (2) Each such assessment shall be made in coordination with representatives of State and local governments, other appropriate departments and agencies of the Federal Government, and nongovernmental organizations that have experience working with homeless persons in that area. (3) Each such assessment shall identify the needs of homeless veterans with respect to the following: (A) Health care. (B) Education and training. (C) Employment. (D) Shelter. (E) Counseling. (F) Outreach services. (4) Each assessment shall also indicate the extent to which the needs referred to in paragraph (3) are being met adequately by the programs of the Department, of other departments and agencies of the Federal Government, of State and local governments, and of nongovernmental organizations. (5) Each assessment shall be carried out in accordance with uniform procedures and guidelines prescribed by the Secretary. (c) PLANNING.— In furtherance of subsection (a), the Secretary 38 USC 527 note, shall require the director of each medical center and the director of each regional benefits office, in coordination with representatives of State and local governments, other Feder£d officials, and nongovernmental organizations that have experience working with homeless persons in the areas served by such facility, to— (1) develop a list of all public and private programs that provide assistance to homeless persons or homeless veterans in the area concerned, together with a description of the services offered by those programs; and (2) seek to encourage the development by the representatives of such entities, in coordination with the director, of a plan to coordinate among such public and private programs the provision of services to homeless veterans. (d) SERVICES. —In furtherance of subsection (a), the Secretary 38 USC 527 note, shall require the director of each medical center or regional benefits office, in carrying out such director's responsibilities under title 38, United States Code, to take appropriate action to— (1) meet, to the maximum extent practicable through existing programs and available resources, the needs of homeless veterans that are identified in the assessment conducted under subsection (b); and (2) attempt to inform homeless veterans whose needs the director cannot meet under paragraph (1) of the services avail-