Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/364

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106 STAT. 2158 PUBLIC LAW 102-421 —OCT. 16, 1992 from minority backgroimds and who are students (at all educational levels) or employees: "(A) The niunber of students enrolled full- and parttime. "(B) The number of these students who completed or graduated from each of the educational programs. "(C) The disposition of these students upon graduation/ completion of programs at NTID and at the University and its elementary and secondary schools in comparison to students from non-minority backgrounds. "(D) The number of students needing and receiving support services (such as tutoring and counseling) at all educational levels. "(E) The number of recruitment activities by type and location for all educational levels. "(F) Employment openings/vacancies and grade level/ type of job and number of these individuals that applied and that were hired. "(G) Strategies (such as parent groups and training classes in the development of Individualized Education Programs) used by the elementary and secondary programs and the extension centers to reach and actively involve minority parents in the educational programs of their children wno are deaf and the number of parents who have been served as a result of these activities. "(3) The annual audited financial statements of the University and NTID, respectively, together with the auditor's report. "(4) For the preceding fiscal year, a statement showing the receipts of the University and NTID and from what Federal sources, and a statement showing the expenditures of each institution by function, activity, and administrative and academic unit. "(5) A statement showing the use of funds (both corpus and income) provided by the Federal Endowment Program under section 207. "(6) A statement showing how such Endowment Program is invested, what the gains or losses (both realized and unrealized) on such investments were for the most recent fiscal year, and what changes were made in investments during that year. "(7) Such additional information as the Secretary may consider necessary.". SEC. 138. MONITORING AND EVALUATION. (a) EDUCATION OF THE DEAF ACT.— Section 205 of the Education of the Deaf Act of 1986, as redesignated by section 101(b)(6) of 20 USC 4355. this Act, is amended to read as follows: - SEC 205. MONITORING, EVALUATION, AND REPORTING. "(a) ACTIVITIES. — The Secretary shall conduct monitoring and evaluation activities of the education programs and activities and the administrative operations of the University (including the elementary, secondanr, preparatory, undergraduate, and graduate programs) and of NTID. The Secretary may also conduct studies related to the provision of preschool, elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education ana other related services to individuals who are deaf. In carrying out the responsibilities described in this section, the Secretary is authorized to employ such consultants