Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/474

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106 STAT. 2268 PUBLIC LAW 102-459—OCT. 23, 1992 Public Law 102-459 102d Congress An Act Oct. 23, 1992 To amend certain provisions of law relating to establishment, in the District [H.R. 6165] of Colimibia or its environs, of a memorial to honor Thomas Paine. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That effective as of the enactment of the Act entitled An Act to authorize the construction of a monument in the District of Columbia or its environs to honor Thomas Paine, and for other purposes" (H.R. Ante, p. 1991. 1628, One Himdred Second Congress), such Act is amended to read as follows: 40 USC 1003 "SECTION 1. AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH MEMORIAL. "(a) IN GENERAL. —The Thomas Paine National Historical Association is authorized to establish a memorial on Federal land in the District of Colimibia or its environs to honor Thomas Paine. "(b) COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS FOR COMMEMORATIVE WORKS.— The establishment of the memorial shall be in accordance with the Act entitled 'An Act to provide standards for placement of commemorative works on certain Federal lands in the District of Coliunbia and its environs, and for other purposes' approved November 14, 1986 (40 U.S.C. 1001, et seq.). 40 USC 1003 "SEC. 2. PAYMENT OF EXPENSES. " The Thomas Paine National Historical Association shall be solely responsible for acceptance of contributions for, and payment of the expenses of, the establishment of the memorial. No Federal funds may be used to pay any expense of the establishment of the memorial. 40 USC 1003 "SEC. 3. DEPOSIT OF EXCESS FUNDS. "If, upon payment of all expenses of the establishment of the memorial (including the maintenance and preservation amount provided for in section 8(b) of the Act referred to in section 1(b)), or upon expiration of the authority for the memorial under section