Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/524

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106 STAT. 2318 PUBLIC LAW 102-484—OCT. 23, 1992 Sec. 382. Optional defense dependents' summer school programs. Sec. 383. Review of military flight training activities at civilian airfields. Sec. 384. Preference for procurement of energy efficient electric equipment. Sec. 385. Payment of residents of Anned Forces Retirement Home for services. Sec. 386. Assistance to local educational agencies that benefit dependents of members of the Armed Forces and Department of Defense avilian employees. Sec. 387. Treatment of State equalization programs in determinining eligibility for, and amount of, impact aid. TITLE IV—MILITARY PERSONNEL AUTHORIZATIONS Subtitle Ar-Active Foroea Sec. 401. End strengths for active forces. Sec. 402. Waiver and transfer authority. Sec. 403. limited exclusion of joint service requirements born a limitation on the strengths for general and flag officers on active duty. Sec. 404. Study of distribution of general and flag officer positions in joint duty assignments. Subtitle B—Reserve Force* Sec. 411. End strengths for Selected Reserve. Sec. 412. End strengths for Reserves on active duty in support of the reserve components. Sec. 413. Reserve component force structure. Subtitle C—Military Training Student Load* Sec. 421. Authorization of training student loads. Subtitle I>—Limitations Sec. 431. Reduction in number of personnel carrying out recruiting activities. Sec. 432. Naw Craft of Opportumty (COOP) program. Sec. 433. Authorization of appropriations for mihtary personnel. TITLE V—MILITARY PERSONNEL POLICY Sec. 600. Reference to personnel fohcy provisitms in title XLIV. Subtitle A—Officer Personnel Policy Sec 501. Reports on plans for officer accessions and assignment ofjunior officers. Sec. 502. Evaluation of effects of officer strength reductions on officer personnel management systems. Sec. 503. Selective early retirement. Sec. 504. Retirement of certain limited duty officers of the Navy. Sec. 505. Appointment of chiropractors as commissioned officers. Sec. 506. Clcuification of minimum service requirements for certain fli^t crew positions. Sec. 507. One-year extension of authority for temporary promotiims of certain Navy lieutenants. Subtitle B—Reserve Component Matters Sec. 511. Pilot program for active component support of Reserves. Sec. 512. Repeal or requirement for removal of full-time Reserve personnel from ROTC duty. Sec. 513. Report concerning certain active Army combat support and combat service support positions. Sec. 514. Preference in Guard and Reserve affiliation for voluntarily separated members. Sec. 515. Technical correction and codification of requirement of baccalaureate degree for appointment or promotion of Reiserve officers to grades above first lieutenant or lieutenant (junior grade). Sec. 516. Disability retired or severance pay for Reserve members disabled while traveling to or from training. Sec. 517. Service credit for concurrent enlisted active duty service performed by ROTC members while in the Selected Reserve. Sec. 518. Limitation on reduction in number of reserve component medical peraonnel. Sec. 519. One-year extension of certain reserve officer management programs. Sec. 520. Limitation on reenlistment eligibility for certain former Reserve officers of Army and Air Force. Subtitle C—Service Academies Sec. 521. Repeal of requirement that Deans at United States Military Academy and At Force Academy be general officers.