Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/662

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106 STAT. 2456 PUBLIC LAW 102-484—OCT. 23, 1992 production (commonly referred to as the 'Milestone III' decision). "(ii) Specification, for each of the two budget years of production under the program, of the minimimi sustaining production rate, defined as the production rate for each budget year that is necessary to keep production lines open while maintaining a base of responsive vendors and suppliers. "(iii) Specification, for each of the two budget years of production under the program, of the maximum production rate, defined as the production rate for each budget year that is attainable with the facilities and tooling programmed to be available for procurement under the program or otherwise to be provided with Government funds, "(iv) Specification, for each of the two budget years of production, of the current production rate, defined as the production rate for each budget year for which the report is submitted, based on the budget submitted to Congress pursuant to section 1105 of title 31.

    • (v) Estimation of any cost variance—

"(I) between the budget year procurement unit costs at the production rate specified pursuant to clause (iv) and the budget year procurement unit costs at the minimum sustaining production rate specified pursuant to clause (ii); and "(11) between the total remaining procurement cost at the production rate specified pursuant to clause (iv) and the total remaining procurement cost at the minimum sustaining production rate specified pursuant to clause (ii). "(vi) Estimation of any cost variance— "(I) between the budget year procurement unit costs at the current production rate specified pursuant to clause (iv) and the budget year procurement unit costs at the maximum production rate specified pursuant to clause (iii); and "(II) between the total remaining procurement cost at the current production rate specified pursuant to clause (iv) and the total remaining procurement cost at the maximum production rate specified pursuant to clause (iii). "(vii) Estimation of quantity variance— "(I) between the budget year quantities assumed in the minimum sustaining production rate specified pursuant to clause (ii) and the current production rate specified pursuant to clause (iv); and "(II) between the budget year quantities assumed in the maximum production rate specified pursuant to clause (iii) and uie current production rate specified pursuant to clause (iv).**. (d) UNIT COST REPORTS.-- (1) Subsection (a)(4)(C) of section 2433 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking out "(e)(2)(B)(ii) and inserting in lieu thereof "(6)(2)(3)". (2) Subsection (b) of such section is amended by striking out "7 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays)" in the second sentence and inserting in lieu thereof "30 calendar days".