Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/739

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PUBLIC LAW 102-484—OCT. 23, 1992 106 STAT. 2533

    • (2) CORPS. —The terms 'Civilian Community Corps* and

'Corps' mean the Civilian Community Corps required under section 195D as part of the Civilian Community Corps Demonstration Program. "(3) CORPS CAMP.— The term 'Corps camp' means the facility or central location established as the operational headquarters and boarding place for particular Corps units. "(4) CORPS MEMBERS. — The term 'Corps members* means persons receiving training and participating in projects vmder the Civilian Community Uorps Demonstration Program. "(5) DIRECTOR. — The term 'Director* means the Director of the Civilian Community Corps. "(6) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. —The term 'Executive Director' means the Executive Director of the Commission on National and Community Service. "(7) INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION.— The term 'institution of higher education' has the meaning given that term in section 1201(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1141(a)). "(8) PROGRAM. —The terms 'Civilian Community Corps Demonstration Program' and 'Program' mean the Civilian Community Corps Demonstration Program established pursuant to section 195A "(9) SERVICE LEARNING.—The term 'service learning', with respect to Corps members, means a method— "(A) under which Corps members learn and develop through active participation in thoughtfully organized service experiences that meet actual community needs; "(B) that provides structured time for a Corps member to think, talk, or write about what the Corps member did and saw during an actual service activity; "(C) that provides Corps members with opportunities to use newly acquired skills and knowledge in real life situations in their own communities; and "(D) that helps to foster the development of a sense of caring for others, good citizenship, and civic responsibility. "(10) SUPERINTENDENT. —The term 'superintendent', with respect to a Corps camp, means the head of the camp under section 195D(d). "(11) UNIT. — The term 'unit' means a unit of the Corps referred to in section 195D(c).. (2) TABLE OF CONTENTS. —The table of contents in section 1(b) of the National and Community Service Act of 1990 is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 190 the following: "S UBTITLE H—CIVILIAN CoMMUNmf CORPS "Sec. 195. Purpose. "Sec. 195A. Establishment of Civilian Community Corps Demonstration Program. "Sec. 195B. National service program. "Sec. 195C. Summer national service program. "Sec. 195D. Civilian Community Corps. "Sec. 195E. Training. "Sec. 195F. Service projects. "Sec. 195G. Authorized benefits for Corps members. "Sec. 195H. Administrative provisions. "Sec. 1951. Status of Corps members and Corps personnel under Federal law. "Sec. 195J. Contract and grant authority. "Sec. 195K. Responsibilities of other departments. "Sec. 195L. Advisory board.