Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/953

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PUBLIC LAW 102-484—OCT. 23, 1992 106 STAT. 2747 "(1) Any purpose for which funds may be used under section 314 or this section.

    • (2) Skills upgrading, which may be provided to—

(A) individuals who are employed in non-managerial positions, including individuals in such positions who have received notice of termination or lay off, if such upgrading— "(i) is integral to the conversion of a defense faciuty and necessary to prevent a closure or mass layofiTwhicn would result in the termination or layoff of such individuals; and " (ii) is to replace or update obsolete skills of such individuals with marketable skills; and "(B) individuals who have received notice of termination or lay off from non-managerial positions, including individuals who have been terminated or l£dd off from such positions, if such upgrading is to replace or update obsolete skills of such individuals with marketable skills, without which reemployment in a high demand occupation or industry would be unlikely. "(3) The development and introduction of high performance workplace systems, employee and participative management systems, and workforce participation in the evaluation, selection, and implementation of new production technologies. " (g) LIMITATION.— Not more than 20 percent of amounts received from a grant under subsection (a) shall be used for administration, conversion planning activities, and the activities described in subsection (f)(3). "(h) ADJUSTMENT ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS. —The adjustment assistance requirements described in section 326(e) shall apply for purposes of grants made under subsection (a) for adjustment assistance. "(i) NEEDS-RELATED PAYMENTS REQUIREMENTS.The Secretary Regulations. of Defense shall prescribe regulations with respect to the use of funds from grants under subsection (a) for needs-related payments in accordance with the requirements described in section 326(f) in order to enable eligible individuals to complete training or education programs. Priority for needs-related payments shall be given to eli^ble individuals panbicipating in certificate or degree awarding vocational training or education programs of 1 year or more. "(j) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE REQUIRE- Regulations. MENT. —The Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Labor, shall prescribe regulations to ensure that student financial assistance authorized under programs for employees of the Department of Defense and veterans is provided prior to adjustment assistance under subsection (h), needs-related payments under subsection (i), and any other student financial assistance provided under Federal law. "(k) DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS.— "(1) IN GENERAL. — In carrying out the grant program established under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Labor, may make grants to the entities referred to in that subsection for the purpose of developing demonstration projects to encourage and promote innovative responses to the dislocation resulting from reductions in expenditures by the United States for defense or by the closure of United States military installations. Such demonstration projects may include—