Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 4.djvu/206

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106 STAT. 2942 PUBLIC LAW 102-486—OCT. 24, 1992 42 USC 2297e-4. '«EC. 160S. AVUS COMBfERCIAUZATION FUND WimiN UNITED STATES ENRICHMENT CORPORATION. "(a) ESTABLISHMENT.— The Corporation may establish within the Corporation an AVLIS Commercialization Fund, which shall consist of not more than $364,000,000 paid into the Fund by the Corporation from amounts provided in appropriation Acts for such purposes andfromthe retained earnings or the Corporation. "(b) EXPENDITURES FROM FUND. —Amounts in the AVLIS Commercialization Fund shall be available for— "(1) expenses of the Corporation in preparing the assessment under section 1601; "(2) expenses of predeployment activities under section 1603; and "(3) grants to the private corporation under section 1604. "(c) LIMITATIONS. — "(1) EXCLUSIVE SOURCE OF FUNDS. —The Corporation may not incur any obligation, or expend any amount, with respect to AVLIS or alternative technologies for uranium enrichment, exceptfromamounts available in the AVLIS CommerciaUzation Fund. "(2) UNAVAILABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION COSTS.— NO amount may be used from the AVLIS Commercialization Fund for the costs of constructing an AVLIS, or alternative technologies for uranium enrichment, production facility or engaging in directly related preconstruction activities (other than activities specified in subsection (b)). "(d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There is authorized to be appropriated $364,000,000 from the Uranium Enrichment Special Fund for purposes of this section. "(e) COST REPORT. —On the basis of the assessment under section 1601(a)(3), the Corporation shall submit to the Congress a report on the capital requirements for commercialization of AVLIS. 42 USC 2297e-5. 'nSEC. 1606. DEPARTMENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ASSIST- ANCE. "If requested by the Corporation, the Secretary shall provide, on a reimbursable basis, research and development of AVLIS and alternative technologies for uranium enrichment. 42 USC 2297e-6. 'SEC. 1607. SITE SELECTION. "This chapter shall not prejudice consideration of the site of an existing uranium enrichment facility as a candidate site for future expansion or replacement of uranium enrichment capacity through AVLIS or alternative technologies for uranium enrichment. Selection of a site for the AVLIS, or alternative technologies for uranium enrichment, facility shall be made on a competitive basis, taking into consideration economic performance, environmental compatibility, and use of any existing uranium enrichment facilities. 42 USC 2297e-7. 'nSEC. 1608. EXCLUSION FROM PRICE-ANDERSON COVERAGE. "Section 170 shall not apply to any license under section 53, 63, or 103 for a uranium enrichment facility constructed after the date of the enactment of this title.". SEC. 902. CONFORMING AMENDMENTS AND REPEALERS. (a) ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF 1954. — (1) The Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) is amended—