106 STAT. 2968 PUBLIC LAW 102-486—OCT. 24, 1992 (D) the extent of technical and financial involvement of the host country in the project; (E) the extent to which the proposed project meets the purposes stated in section 1201(b); (F) the extent of technical, financial, management, and marketing capabilities of the participants in the project, and the commitment of the participants to completion of a successful project in a manner that will facilitate acceptance of the United States technology for future application; and (G) such other criteria as may be appropriate. (3) In selecting amon^ proposed projects, the Secretary shall seek to ensure that, relative to otherwise comparable projects in the host country, a selected project will meet 1 or more of the following criteria: (A) It will reduce environmental emissions to an extent greater than required by applicable provisions of law. (B) It will make greater use of indigenous renewable energy resources. (C) It will be a more cost-effective technological alternative, based on life cycle capital and operating costs per unit of energy produced and, where applicable, costs per unit of product produced. Priority in selection shall be given to those projects which, in the judgment of the Secretary, best meet one or more of these criteria. (i) UNITED STATES-ASIA ENVIRONMENTAL PARTNERSHip.Activities carried out under this section shall be coordinated with the United States-Asia Environmental Partnership. (j) BUY AMERICA.—In carrying out this section, the Secretary, through the Agency for International Development, and pursuant to the agreements under subsection (a), shall ensure— (1) the maximum percentage, but in no case less than 50 percent, of the cost of any equipment furnished in connection with a project authorized under this section shall be attributable to the manufactured United States components of such equipment; and (2) the maximum participation of United States firms. In determining whether the cost of United States components equals or exceeds 50 percent, the cost of assembly of such United States components in the host country shall not be considered a part of the cost of such United States component. (k) REPORTS TO CONGRESS. — The Secretary and the Administrator of the Agency for International Development shall report annually to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate and the appropriate committees of the House of Representatives on the progress being made to introduce renewable energy technologies into foreign countries. (1) DEFINITIONS.— For purposes of this section— (1) the term "host country" means a foreign country which is— (A) the participant in or the site of the proposed renewable energy technology project; and (B) either— (i) classified as a country eligible to participate in development assistance programs of the Agency for International Development pursuant to applicable law or regulation; or