Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 4.djvu/392

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106 STAT. 3128 PUBLIC LAW 102-486—OCT. 24, 1992 Subtitle B—Other Miscellaneous Provisions SEC. 3011. POWERPLANT AND INDUSTRIAL FUEL USE ACT OF 1978 REPEAL. Section 403(c) of the Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978 (42 U.S.C. 8373(c)) is repealed. SEC. 3012. ALASKA NATURAL GAS TRANSPORTATION ACT OF 1976 REPEAL. (a) REPEAL. —Section 7(a)(5) of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976 (15 U.S.C. 719e(a)(5)) is repealed. 15 USC 719e. (b) ABOLITION OF OFFICE OF FEDERAL INSPECTOR OF CONSTRUC- TION.— The Office of Federal Inspector of Construction for the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, created pursuant to the paragraph repealed by subsection (a) of this section, is abolished. All functions and authority vested in the Inspector are hereby transferred to the Secretary of Energy. (c) REVOCATION OF CERTAIN (JFI REGULATIONS.— Regulations applicable to the Office of Federal Inspector of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, as set forth in chapter 15 of title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, are hereby revoked. 42 USC 13551. SEC 3013. GEOTHERMAL HEAT PUMPS. The Secretary shall— (1) encourage States, municipalities, counties, and townships to consider allowing the installation of geothermal heat pumps, and, where applicable, and consistent with public health and safety, to permit public and private water recipients to utilize the flow of water from, and back into, public and private water mains for the purpose of providing sufficient water supply for the operation of residential and commercial geothermal heat pumps; and (2) not discourage any local authority which allows the use ofgeothermal heat pumps from— (A) inspecting, at any reasonable time, geothermal heat pump connections to the water system to ensure the exclusive use of the public or private water supply to the geothermal heat pump system; and (B) requiring that geothermal heat pump systems be designed and installed in a manner that eliminates any risk of contamination to the public water supply. 42 USC 13552. SEC. 3014. USE OF ENERGY FUTURES FOR FUEL PURCHASES. (a) FUEL STUDY.— Tbe Secretary shall conduct a study— (1) to ascertain if the use of energy futures and options contracts could provide cost-effective protection for Government entities (including GrOvernment purchases for military purposes and for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve) and consumer cooperatives (or any organization whose purpose is to purchase fuel in bulk) from unanticipated surges in the price of fuel; and (2) to ascertain how such Government entities or consumer cooperatives may be educated in the prudent use of energy futures and options contracts to maximize their purchasing effectiveness, protect themselves against unanticipated surges in the price of fuel, and minimize fuel costs.