Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 4.djvu/805

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PUBLIC LAW 102-538—OCT. 27, 1992 106 STAT. 3541 "(12) while the PEACESAT program has now been reestablished, additional funding continues to be necessary for the ongoing administrative and operational expenses of the P^CESAT program and especially for the acquisition of satellite capacity after 1994; "(13) the importance of the PEACESAT program to the educational and cultural communications in the Pacific Ocean region makes it imperative that the Secretary of (Commerce and the PEACESAT users explore every available option for long-term satellite capacity, including the possibility of using foreign-owned satellites or engaging in joint ventures with foreign entities to satisfy these long-term needs for transmission capacity; and "(14) whether or not a domestic or foreign-owned satellite is used for transmission, it is essential to the achievement of United States policy goals that the headquarters, management, and operation of the PEACESAT program be located and conducted in the United States.". (b) AUTHORIZATION. —The first sentence of section 2(d) of such Act of November 15, 1990 (104 Stat. 2758), is amended by striking all through "fiscal year 1991" and inserting in lieu thereof "There are authorized to be appropriated $400,000 for fiscal year 1992 and $1,500,000 forfiscalyear 1993". SEC. 184. COBOfUNICATIONS FOR RURAL HEALTH PROVmERS. 42 USC 254r (a) PURPOSE. — It is the purpose of this section to improve the ability of rural health providers to use communications to obtain health information and to consult with others concerning the delivery of patient care. Such enhanced communications ability may assist in— (1) improving and extending the training of rural health professionids; and (2) improving the continuity of patient care in rural areas. (b) ADVISORY PANEL.— The Secretary of Commerce, in coi\)unc- Establishment. tion with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, shall establish an advisory panel (hereafi^er in this section referred to as the "Panel") to develop recommendations for the improvement of rural health care through the collection of information needed by providers and the improvement in the use of communications to disseminate such information. (c) COMPOSITION OF PANEL. —The Panel shall be composed of individuals from organizations with rural constituencies and practitioners from health care disciplines, representatives of the National Library of Medicine, and representatives of different health professions schools, including nurse practitioners. (d) SELEcrnoN OF CONSULTANTS.— The Panel may select consultants to provide advice to the Panel regarding the types of information that rural health care practitioners need, the procedures to gather and disseminate such information, and Uie types of communications equipment and training needed by rural health care practitioners to obtain access to such information. (e) REPORT TO CONGRESS.— Not later than 1 year after the Panel is established under subsection (b), the Secretary of Commerce shall prepare and submit, to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and IVansportation and the Committee on Labor and Human Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Energy