Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 4.djvu/852

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106 STAT. 3588 PUBLIC LAW 102-545—OCT. 27, 1992 "(B) support materials to promote the effective use of materials developed under paragraph (2); among parents, Head Start providers, in-home and center based day care providers, early childhood development personnel, and elementary school teachers, public libraries, and after school program personnel caring for preschool and elementary school children; "(4) coordinate activities with the Secretary of Health and Human Services in order to— "(A) maximize the utilization of quality educational programming by preschool and elementary school children, and make such programming widely available to federally funded programs serving such populations; and "(B) provide information to grantees of Federal programs that have major training components for early childhood development, including Head Start, Even Start, and State training activities funded under the Child Care Development Block Grant Act of 1990 regarding the availability and utilization of materials developed under paragraph (3) to enhance parent and child care provider skills in early childhood development and education. 20 USC 3161c. "SEC. 4704. APPLICATIONS. "Each eligible entity desiring a contract, cooperative agreement, or grant under section 4701 or 4703 shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and accompanied by such information as the Secretary may reasonably require. 20 USC 3161d. "SEC. 4705. REPORTS AND EVALUATION. "(a) ANNUAL REPORT TO SECRETARY.—An entity receiving funds under section 4701 shall prepare and submit to the Secretary an annual report which contains such information as the Secretary may require. At a minimum, the report shall describe the program activities undertaken with funds received under this section, including— "(1) the programming that has been developed directly or indirectly by the entity, and the target population of the programs developed; "(2) the support materials that have been developed to accompany the programming, and the method by which such materials are distributed to consumers and users of the programming; "(3) the means by which programming developed under this section has been distributed, including the distance learning technologies that have been utilized to make programming available and the geographic distribution achieved through such technologies; and "(4) the initiatives undertaken by the entity to develop public-private partnerships to secure non-Federal support for the development and distribution and broadcast of educational and instructional programming. "(b) REPORT TO CONGRESS. —The Secretary shall prepare and submit to the relevant committees of Congress a biannual report which includes— "(1) a summary of the information made available under section 4702(a); "(2) a description of the training materials made available under section 4703(3), the manner in which outreach has been