Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 5.djvu/176

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106 STAT. 3814 PUBLIC LAW 102-550 —OCT. 28, 1992 public housing agency making available occupancy in other appropriate projects in public housing or assistance under this title. "(2) DISCRIMINATORY SELECTION.— Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any family who decides not to occupy or accept an appropriate dwelling unit in public housing or to accept assistance under this Act on the basis of the race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin of occupants of housing or the surrounding area. "(3) APPROPRIATENESS OF DWELLING UNITS. —This section may not be construed to require a public housing agency to offer occupancy in any dwelling unit assisted under this Act to any family who is not of appropriate family size for the dwelling unit. "(c) PROHIBITION OF EviCTiONS.Any tenant who is lawfully residing in a dwelling unit in the project may not be evicted or otherwise required to vacate such imit because of the designation of the project (or portion of a project) or because of any action taken by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development or any public housing agency pursuant to this section. ^'(d) ACCOMMODATION OF HOUSING AND SERVICE NEEDS. —In designing, developing, otherwise acquiring and operating, designating, and providing housing and assistance under this title, each public housing agency shall meet, to the extent practicable, the housing and service needs of eligible families applying for assistance under this title, as provided in any allocation plan of the agency approved under subsection (f). To meet such needs, public housing agencies may, wherever practicable and in accordance with any allocation plan of the agency— "(1) provide housing in which supportive services are provided, facilitated, or coordinated, mixed housing, shared housing, family housing, group homes, congregate housing, and other housing as the public housing agency considers appropriate; "(2) carry out major reconstruction of obsolete public housing projects and reconfiguration of public housing dwelling units; and "(3) provide tenant-based assistance under section 811(b)(1). " (e) APPLICATION FOR DESIGNATED HOUSING FOR DISABLED FAMILIES.— "(1) REQUIREMENT. —^A project (or portion of a project) may be designated under subsection (a)(1) for occupancy by only disabled families only if the public housing agency administering the project complies with the other requirements of this section and the Secretary approves an application under this subsection for such designation. The Secretary shall establish the form and procedures for submission and approval of applications under this subsection. "(2) CONTENTS. — An application under this subsection shall contain— "(i) a description of the projects (or portions of projects) to be designated (which may include group homes, independent living facilities, units in multifamily housing developments, condominium housing, cooperative housing, and scattered site housing); "(ii) a supportive service plan—