Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 5.djvu/275

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PUBLIC LAW 102-550—OCT. 28, 1992 106 STAT. 3913 on target housing, such lower level as may be established by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, as defined i in section 302(c) of the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act, or (B) in the case of any other paint or surface coatings, such other level as may be established by the Administrator.

    • (10) LEAD-BASED PAINT HAZARD. —The term lead-based

1>aint hazard' means any condition that causes exposure to eadfromlead-contaminated dust, lead-cont£uninated soil, leadcontaminated paint that is deteriorated or present in accessible surfaces, friction surfaces, or impact surfaces that would result in adverse human health effects as established by the Administrator under this title. "(11) LEAD-CONTAMINATED DUST.— The term lead-contaminated dust' means surface dust in residential dwellings that contains an area or mass concentration of lead in excess of levels determined by the Administrator under this title to pose a threat of adverse health effects in pregnant women or young children. "(12) LEAD-CONTAMINATED SOIL.—The term lead-contaminated soil' means bare soil on residential real property that contains lead at or in excess of the levels determined to be hazeurdous to human health by the Administrator under this title. "(13) REDUCTION. — The term 'reduction' means measures designed to reduce or eliminate human exposure to lead-based paint hazards through methods including mterim controls and abatement. "(14) RESIDENTIAL DWELLING. — The term 'residential dwelling* means— "(A) a single-family dwelling, including attached structures such as porches and stoops; or "(B) a single-family dwelling unit in a structure that contains more than 1 separate residential dwelling imit, and in which each such unit is used or occupied, or intended to be used or occupied, in whole or in part, as the home or residence of 1 or more persons. "(15) RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY. — The term 'residential real property* means real property on which there is situated 1 or more residential dwellings used or occupied, or intended to be used or occupied, in whole or in part, as the home or residence of 1 or more persons. "(16) RISK ASSESSMENT.— The term 'risk assessment' means an on-site investigation to determine and report the existence, nature, severity and location of lead-based paint hazards in residential dwellings, including— "(A) information gathering regarding the age and history of the housing and occupancy by children under age 6; "(B) visual inspection; "(C) limited wipe sampling or other environmental sampling techniques; "(D) other activity as may be appropriate; and "(E) provision of a report explaining the results of the investigation. "(17) TARGET HOUSING.— The term 'target housing* means any housing constructed prior to 1978, except housing for the elderly or persons with olisabilities (unless any child who is