Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 5.djvu/388

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106 STAT. 4026 PUBLIC LAW 102-550—OCT. 28, 1992 safe haven, their willingness to use low-demand services and referrals, the availability and quality of services used, and the movement of residents toward a more traditional form of permanent housing after a period of residency in the safe haven; and (13) such other information as the Secretary may require.

    • (b) SITE CONTROL.— The Secretary shall require that an

applicant furnish reasonable assurances that the applicant will have control of a site for the proposed facility not later than 1 year after notification of an award of assistance under this subtitle. If an applicant fails to obtain control of the site within this period, the grant shall be recaptured by the Secretary and reallocated for use under this subtitle. "(c) SELECTION CRITERIA.— The Secretary shall establish selection criteria for selecting applicants to receive assistance under this subtitle pursuant to a national competition, which shall include— "(1) the extent to which the applicant demonstrates the ability to develop and operate a safe naven; "(2) the extent to which there is a need for a safe haven in the jurisdiction in which the facility will be located; "(3) the extent to which the program would link eligible persons to permanent housing and supportive services after stabilization in a safe haven; "(4) the cost-effectiveness of the proposed program; "(5) providing for geographical diversity among applicants selected to receive assistance; "(6) the extent to which the safe haven would meet the need of the eligible persons proposed to be served by the safe haven; and "(7) such other factors as the Secretary determines to be appropriate for purposes of carrying out the program established under this subtitle in an effective and emcient manner.

    • (d) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS. — The Secretary may not provide

assistance under this subtitle for any safe haven program unless the applicant agrees— "(1) to develop and operate the proposed facility as a safe haven in accordance with the provisions of this subtitle; "(2) to ensure that the facility meets any standards of habitability established by the Secretary; "(3) to provide low-demand services and referrals for the residents of the safe haven; "(4) to prohibit the use of illegal drugs and alcohol in the facility; "(5) to ensure that adequate security precautions are taken to make the facility safe for the residents; "(6) not to establish limitations on the duration of residency; "(7) not to require participation in low-demand services and referrals as a condition of occupancy; "(8) to monitor and report to the Secretary on progress in carrying out the safe haven program; "(9) to the maximum extent practicable, to involve eligible persons, through employment, volunteer services, or otherwise, m renovating, maintaining, and operating facilities assisted under this subtitle and in providing services assisted under tills subtitle;