Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 5.djvu/809

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PUBLIC LAW 102-569—OCT. 29, 1992 106 STAT. 4447 "(A) at least one director of a center for independent living diosen by the directors of centers for independent living within the State; and ^B) as ex officio, nonvoting members— 'Xi) a representative from the designated State unit; and "(ii) representatives from other State agencies that provide services for individuals with disabihties. "(3) ADDITIONAL MEMBERS. —The Council may include— "(A) other representativesfromcenters for independent living; (B) parents and guardians of individuals with disabilities; "(C) advocates of and for individuals with disabilities; "(D) representativesfromprivate businesses; "(E) representatives from organizations that provide services for individuals with disabilities; and "(F) other appropriate individuals. "(4) QUALIFICATIONS. — The Council shall be composed of members— "(A) who provide statewide representation; "(B) who represent a broad range of individuals with disabilities; "(C) who are knowledgeable about centers for independent living and independent living services; and "(D) a minority of whom are persons who are— "(i) individuals with disabihties described in section 7(8)(B); and "(ii) not employed by any State agency or center for independent living. "(5) CHAIRPERSON.— "(A) IN GENERAL.— Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the Council shall select a chairpersonfrY>mamong the membership of the Council. "(B) DESIGNATION BY GOVERNOR.— In States in which the (Governor does not have veto power pursuant to State law, the Governor shall designate a member of the Council to serve as the chairperson of the Coimdl or shall require the Council to so designate such a member. "(6) TERMS OF APPOINTMENT. — "(A) LENGTH OF TERM.— Each member of the Council shall serve for a term of 3 years, except that— "(i) a member appointed to nil a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which a predecessor was appointed, shall be appointed for the remainder of such term; and "(ii) the terms of service of the members initially appointed shall be (as specified by the appointing authority) for such fewer number of years as will provide for Uie expiration of terms on a staggered basis. "(B) NUMBER OF TERMS. —No member of the Council may serve more than two consecutive full terms. "(7) VACANCIES. —Any vacancy occurring in the membership of the Council shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. The vacancy shall not affect the power of the remaining members to execute the duties of the Council. "(c) DUTIES.— The Council shall—