Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 6.djvu/107

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PUBLIC LAW 102-575 —OCT. 30, 1992 106 STAT. 4665 SEC. 1604. FEASrailiTY STUDIES. 43 USC 390h-2. (a) The Secretary is authorized to participate with appropriate Federal, State, regional, and local authorities in studies to determine the feasibility of water reclamation and reuse projects recommended for such study pursuant to section 1603 of this title. The Federal share of the costs of such feasibility studies shall not exceed 50 per centiun of the total, except that the Secretary may increase the Federal share of the costs of such feasibility study if the Secretary determines, based upon a demonstration of financial hardship on the part of the non-Federal participant, that the non-Federal participant is unable to contribute at least 50 per centimi of the costs of such study. The Secretary may accept as part of the non-Federal cost share the contribution of such in-kind services by the non-Federal participant that the Secretary determines will contribute substantially toward the conduct and completion of the study. (b) The Federal share of feasibility studies, including those described in sections 1606 and 1608 through 1610 of this title, shall be considered as project costs and shall be reimbursed in accordance with the Federal reclamation laws, if the project studied is implemented. (c) In addition to the requirements of other Federal laws, feasibility studies authorized under this title shall consider, among other things— (1) near- and long-term water demand and supplies in the study area; (2) all potential uses for reclaimed water; (3) measures and technologies available for water reclamation, distribution, and reuse; (4) public health and environmental quality issues associated with use of reclaimed water; and, (5) whether development of the water reclamation and reuse measures under study would— (A) reduce, postpone, or eliminate development of new or expanded water supplies, or (B) reduce or eliminate the use of existing diversions from natural watercourses or withdrawals from aqmfers. SEC. 160S. RESEARCH AND DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS. 43 USC 390h-3. The Secretary is authorized to conduct research and to construct, operate, and maintein cooperative demonstration projects for the development and demonstration of appropriate treatment technologies for the reclamation of mimicipal, industrial, domestic, and agricultiiral wastewater, and naturally impaired ground and surface waters. The Federal share of the costs of demonstration projecte shall not exceed 50 per centum of the totel cost including operation and maintenance. Kighte to inventions developed pursuant to this section shall be governed by the provisions of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (Public Law 96-480) as amended by the Technology Transfer Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-502). SEC. 1606. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COMPREHENSIVE WATER REC- 43 USC 390h-4. LAMATION AND REUSE STUDY. (a) The Secretary is authorized to conduct a study to assess the feasibility of a comprehensive water reclamation and reuse system for Southern California. For the piirpose of this title, the