Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 6.djvu/125

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PUBLIC LAW 102-575—OCT. 30, 1992 106 STAT. 4683 apportionable to serving Indian-owned lands and the facilities described in the second sentence of that subsection) shall be 30 percent. The 30 percent non-Federal share shall include: (1) funds to be deposited in the non-Federal fund referred to in pcuragraph (1) of subsection (b) of this section and interest earned thereon; (2) all funds heretofore or hereafter made available to the United States by non-Federal interests, or expended by such interests, for planning or advance planning assistance for the Lake Andes-Wagner Unit or for the Marty II Unit; and (3) any feature to which this section applies shall not be initiatea until after the District and the State have entered into the cost-share agreement with the United States required by this section. SEC. 2009. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. (a) LAKE ANDES-WAGNER UNIT. — There are authorized to be appropriated, subject to the findings required pursuant to section 2003(b) of this title- CD $175,000,000 (October 1989 price levels) for construction of the Lake Andes-Wagner Unit (other than the facilities described in the second sentence of subsection (a) of section 2005 of this title) less the non-Federal contributions as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of section 2008 of this title; and (2) $1,350,000 (October 1989 price levels) for construction of the facilities described in the second sentence of subsection (a) of section 2005 of this title, which amounts include costs of the Lake Andes-Wagner Irrigation District in administering design and construction of the irrigation distribution and drainage systems. (b) MARTY II UNIT.— There are authorized to be appropriated $24,000,000 (January 1989 price levels) for construction by the Bureau of Reclamation in consultation with the Bureau of Indian Affairs of the Marty II Unit. (c) The amounts authorized to be appropriated by subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall be plus or minus such amounts, if any, as may be required by reason of changes in construction costs as indicated by engineering cost indices applicable to the type of construction involved. (d) DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM. —There are authorized to be appropriated such amounts as may be necessary to carry out the Demonstration Program. (e) OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE.— There are authorized to be appropriated such amounts as may be necessary for the operation and maintenance of each Unit. SEC. 2010. INDIAN WATER RIGHTS. Nothing in this title shall be construed as affecting any water rights or claims thereto of the Yankton-Sioux tribe. TITLE XXI—RIO GRANDE FLOODWAY, SAN ACACIA TO BOSQUE DEL APACHE UNIT, NEW MEXICO SEC. 2101. CLARIFICATION OF COST-SHARE REQUIREMENTS. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the project for flood control, Rio Grande Floodway, San Acacia to Bosque del Apache Unit, New Mexico, authorized by section 203 of the Flood