Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 6.djvu/154

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106 STAT. 4712 PUBLIC LAW 102-575 —OCT. 30, 1992 be rendered within ninety days of receiving a written transfer proposal from the transferee or transferor. Such written proposal should provide all information reasonably necessary to determine whether the transfer complies with the terms and conditions of this subsection. (B) All transfers subject to review by a contracting district or agency shall be reviewed in a public process similar to that provided for in section 226 of Public Law 97-293. (C) The contracting district or agency or the Secretary shall approve all transfers subject to review and approval by such entity if such transfers are consistent with the terms and conditions of this subsection. To disapprove a transfer, the contracting district or agency or the Secretary shall inform the transferee and transferor, in writing, why the transfer does not comply with the terms and conditions of this subsection and what alternatives, if any, could be included so that the transfer would reasonably comply with the requirements of this subsection. , (D)If the contracting district or agency or the Secretary fails to approve or disapprove a proposed transfer within ninety days of receiving a complete written proposal from the transferee or transferor, then the transfer shall be ' deemed approved. (3) Transfers executed after September 30, 1999 shall only be governed by the provisions of subparagraphs 3405(a)(l)(A)- (C), (E), (G), (H), (I), (L), and (M) of this title, and by State law. (b) METERING OF WATER USE REQUIRED.— Al l Central Vallev Project water service or repa3anent contracts for agricultiu'al, municipal, or industrial purposes that are entered into, renewed, or amended under any provision of Federal Reclamation law after the date of enactment of this title, shall provide that the contracting district or agency shall ensure that all surface water delivery systems within its boundaries are equipped with water measuring devices or water measuring methods of comparable effectiveness acceptable to the Secretary within five years of the date of contract execution, amendment, or renewal, and that any new surface water delivery systems installed within its boimdaries on or after the Interdate of contract renewal are so equipped. The contracting district ?°i*l^^«^^"*^^ 0^ agency shall inform the Secretary and the State of California annually as to the monthly volume of surface water delivered within its boundaries. (c) STATE AND FEDERAL WATER QUALITY STANDARDS. —Al l Central Valley Project water service or repayment contracts for agricultural, mimicipal, or industrial purposes that are entered into, renewed, or amended under any provision of Federal Reclamation law after the date of enactment of this title, shall provide that the contracting district or agency shall be responsible for compliance with all applicable State and Federal water quality standards applicable to surface and subsurface agricultural drainage discharges generated within its boundaries. This subsection shall not anect or alter any legal obligation of the Secretary to provide drainage services. (d) WATER PRICING REFORM.— Al l Central Valley Project water service or repayment contracts for a term longer than three years for agricultural, municipal, or industrial purposes that are entered relations.